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Dear, Carmen.

It is lovely to know that you are doing alright at Hogwarts. Your brother has informed me most of the details. You know, it would be nice to hear from you more, I am your mother after all.
I hope that you are eating healthy. Like I always say, a good figure is what traps the men.

Your figure must have gone to shit then, father is no where near trapped.

How are your friends doing? Did you make any new friends? And will you be coming back for spring break?
I hope that you can answer these questions in detail soon, I am dying to hear back from you. By the way, happy birthday.
- Your mother,

I sigh as I reach for my quill that is on the desk. I hear Adelph toss and turn a couple of feet away as the sugary scented candle flickers. It is midnight on a late birthday night.

Dear, Mother.
To answer your questions in order:good, no, and no.
- Your daughter,

I fold up the paper before placing it into the mint coloured envelope. I seal it with a pastel pink wax and a stamp that is made of a 'C' before heading out of my room.



I hear Cyrus yell from the top of the stairs.

Adelph and I stop walking as we look up to Cyrus. He and Ezra are leaning against the ledge of the stairs as we stair up at him. He looks angry, furious even.

I shrug, it's not my problem.

I begin to walk towards the dining hall, leaving Adelph behind. She catches up to me hastily, looking back and forth to me and the rushing idiots.

"Shouldn't we wait for Cyrus to come down? It looks like he really wants to see you."

Adelph says with weary.

I give a shrug with my face as we walk into the dining hall. It is sadly, crowded. I decide to take a seat next to Crabbe as Adelph takes a seat across of me, next to Goyle. If it was up to us, we wouldn't be sitting here, trust me. I hear Draco's laugh stop as I feel his eyes on me. I look up from my plate, making eye contact with him before looking away again.

"Carmen, I swear to Merlin."

Cyrus groans as he walks near me.

I roll my eyes as I help myself to the breakfast food that is in the middle of the dining table. Cyrus pushes his way next to me, his elbow resting on the wooden table. I pretend like he isn't there, I just keep eating.

"Do you know how angry I was when mum owled me this morning about your letter?"

Cyrus begins.

"Don't care."

I say as I spread butter onto my toast.

"It's not funny anymore, your short and heartless letters."

He says.

"It was never meant to be funny."

I say before stuffing my mouth with the toast.

"This, this is what you decided to owl your mum with?"

Cyrus says, his voice loud and angry as he holds up my letter.

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