♡︎𝓽ꫝ𝓲𝘳𝓽ꪗ ꫀ𝓲ᧁꫝ𝓽♡︎

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"I can't believe it's almost Christmas."

Adelph says as she spins herself around using Cyrus's desk chair.

"It felt as if we walked through those doors of Hogwarts just yesterday."

She says with a dreamy sigh as Ezra stops her chair, making her almost fall out of the chair.

I don't chime into her words as I stare at Draco's hand that is resting lazily from my shoulder. Draco, Blaise, Adelph, Ezra, Cyrus, and I are all in Cyrus's room, like how we always are when we are on break. Draco and I are sitting on Cyrus's bed, hip to hip with Draco's arm around my shoulder. My leg is dangling on top of his leg that is the closest to me while both of my hands are clutching his hand that is attached to the arm that is around me. Ezra is standing behind Adelph who is sitting on Cyrus's desk chair while Blaise is leaning against the desk that Adelph is sitting near. Blaise, Ezra, and Adelph are all conversing as Cyrus walks over to Draco and I.

It is the day before Christmas eve, meaning that after the clock strikes twelve, we will all exchange gifts. The sun doesn't exist, everything is gloomy from the house. The clouds are set and it is dark, even though it is only six o'clock in the afternoon.

"Carmen, what do you want for Christmas?"

Cyrus asks in a whisper as he squats down onto the floor in front of me.

I shrug as I look down to him. Every year he gave me generic things that a brother would give his little sister, such as jewelry or makeup, but I feel like he wants this year's present to be meaningful because of the messy drama that had occurred between us.

"You got to have something in mind."

Cyrus riddles.

"I don't really want anything."

I truthfully say as I continue to stare at Cyrus.

Cyrus only stares at me with a smile as I lean against Draco.

"Are you sure?"

He asks.

"I don't need anything, Cyrus."

I say before burying my face into Draco's chest.

Draco wraps his hand around the back of my head as he strokes that area with a sigh. I'm so tired; I just want to sleep.


It is now half past midnight, now being Christmas eve. I am leaning against the window of my room with my elbows as I let the winter breeze swift through. The light snow is calming. The snow looks like something from a children's picture book, if that makes sense.

"What is it like, being in love?"

Blaise asks as he mirrors my stance.

He is a couple of inches away from me, also looking out my long window.


I say, actually answering with my feelings.

Blaise remains silent, he only looks at me. I turn towards him, taking my eyes off of the light snow that is coating the roof. I make eye contact for a moment. His eyes are trusting, I feel like he is that type of person who you an have deep conversations with. I rarely trust someone, especially if I don't know them that well.

I sigh as I turn back towards front. A faint, frosty breath of air lingers in the air before disappearing within seconds. Blaise isn't saying it verbally, but he is saying that I should continue on, to release the pent up emotions that I contain.

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