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"Merlin, it's only been a day."

Draco mutters with hate as he watches Carmen's boyfriend talk to her in D.A.D.A class.

He continues to watch Carmen and her new boyfriend, Richard. He tunes out the new professor out as she speaks. He hated how Carmen sucked all of his attention, even when he doesn't want to. He also hated how she had to pick a brunette. Something about brunette men made him angry, he doesn't know why. Perhaps it is because they represent the opposite of him, but we will never really know for sure.

He quickly gets up and leaves as soon as class is dismissed. He doesn't want to see their faces, especially Richard's. His hand grips his book bag's strap as he walks into the dining hall. He sits across from Cyrus who is sitting next to Ezra. Blaise joins beside Draco. Ezra and Adelph are there too, but they're too lost with each other to even pay attention to other people.

Draco can't help but glare at the back of Carmen's head as she sits across from Richard. Cyrus catches on Draco's glare, causing him to chuckle a bit.

"He will be gone in a short time."

Cyrus says as he eats his food.

"Yeah, she always dumps them after a couple of days."

Ezra adds as he pushes Draco's upper arm with his fist.

Draco doesn't care whether she will dump Richard or not. He only cares about the chances of being with Carmen. She told him to move on, to forget about the idea of them together. Draco doesn't want to do that. Well, actually, it's not like he can't. He has tried to forget about her for years, but like a curse, he can't.

"Draco, mate, he will be gone really soon, trust me."

Cyrus assures lightly, chuckling at the end.


"Carmen, can you maybe not make out with your new boy toy in front me?"

Cyrus asks.

I roll my eyes as I disconnect my lips with Richard's. It is the afternoon, before a big party that the slytherins are hosting. I don't even need to be here anyways, I have a party to get to.

Draco, Blaise, Ezra, Cyrus, and Adelph are across the room from us; they are helping Cyrus with moving the stock of alcohol and drugs to the party. Adelph and Ezra are counting the stock as they sit on the ground near the alcohol bottles. Draco and Blaise are talking next to Cyrus, probably something that has to do with the plan about moving the alcohol into the room of requirement without getting caught. Professor Umbridge has been a pain in the ass lately, so we they have to be extra careful.

"I'm leaving anyways."

I say as I stand up, my hands intertwined with Richard's.

Draco eyes our hands from afar as I guide Richard out of Cyrus's room.

"Are we going to the party?"

Richard asks.

Dumb question, where else would we go to?


I respond as we walk towards the room of requirement.

Richard is next to me as I go over to the table of alcohol. I grab a medium sized bottle of fire whiskey before walking over to the dance floor. Richard follows me, but not before grabbing a bottle of vodka. He joins behind me as I dance to the beat.

I close my eyes as I take in large amount of fire whiskey. I secretly wish that Richard was Draco, it's embarrassing. I will do anything to make myself not feel like that. I feel so lost. I hate the way I feel right now, wishing that Draco's hands are on my hips instead of Richard's.

I open my eyes and instantly meet with Draco's, just like my first day back in Hogwarts. He is at least ten feet away from me, handling Cyrus's business. His head is facing away from Cyrus and the party hosts. My eyes dart to his hands that is balled up in a fist to his stone cold gaze. I smile, I find this situation a little funny. I take another drink from my fire whiskey before grabbing the back of Richard's head and pushing him towards my lips.

I look at Draco again, he looks so serious. Maybe it is because I'm totally wasted, but I smile as I let the back of my head rest against Richard's shoulder. Everything is moving, making me feel dizzy.


I call out.


He asks as I spin myself around, making sure that I am facing him.

I wrap my arms around the back of his neck before pulling him to a kiss. I open my eyes and look over to a angry looking Draco. I smile against Richard's lips as I stare back at Draco. Blaise talks to Draco, trying to calm him down.

I keep an eye out for them as I guide Richard towards a wall. I rest my back against the stone before pulling Richard's tie. I bring him to me and continue to make out with him.

"I think I'm falling in love with you."

He mutters against my lips.

I stop the kissing with a small glare.

"I told you, this relationship isn't serious. I gave you that warning first, Richard."

I say.

"I was just kidding, Carmen."

He says with a chuckle before kissing me again, but I know that he isn't kidding.

I smile against his lips as I enjoy the feeling of our lips together. It doesn't feel as good as Draco's, but it will do for now. I wish that I could erase Draco out of my mind. I compare Richard to Draco whenever we're together. I hate the way I am lately. I feel like I'm obsessed with him.

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