♡︎ᠻꪮ𝘳𝓽ꪗ 𝘴𝓲᥊♡︎

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  "Why would you do that, Draco?"

I ask as he wipes my tears with his thumb.

My eyes are pacing back and fourth as I try to understand everything. He's trying to protect me, I know now, but why would he do that without even talking to me? Because I am not better off without him, even if he brings danger. I don't care if he thinks that creating distance between us will create safety, because all I need to feel safe is him.

"Because I love you."

He softly says.

"But I love you too."

I say through my shaky voice.

He holds both sides of my face as I slowly hit my back against the wall. I slide down, feeling weak. He goes down with me, still cupping my face in his hands. Tears fall uncontrollably, seeping through his hands.

"I need you to be safe, Carmen."

He says as I close my eyes against the new tears.

I open my eyes, causing more tears to escape. My hands clutch onto his hands that are holding my face.

"But I'm safer when I'm with you."

I say as I beg with my eyes for him to let me be with him.

He looks down at me with a sad look in his eyes. I don't care if he puts me in danger, because I would rather die with him than to be alive without him.

"I would rather die than to live without you. Let me be with you, because I can protect myself."

I plead.

"Please, Draco. We can make this work."

I cry out.

His eyes are full of sorrow as I stare back at him. My eyes are begging for him to let us be together. I want him to know that I can be with him, no matter how dangerous it gets.

"I cannot live with myself if you ever get hurt because of me."

He says.

"I cannot live if I'm without you."

I say as I cup his face with my hands.

"I don't care how dangerous it gets; I want to be with you. I don't care, Draco, I really don't."

I say.

He closes his eyes before bringing his forehead against mine gently. A tear falls across his cheek as he continues to close his eyes. I close my eyes too, just enjoying the feeling of him. His presence is what I have missed for the months that we spent apart.

"Just let me be with you."

I whisper as I open my eyes.

His eyes are already open, staring at me. His thumbs moves against my face as his hands that are clutching my face moves down to my jaw. His forehead is still against mine as I close my eyes again. I can feel his lips inching closer to mine as we continue to sit on the ground, tragically in love. His lips gently meet mine, softly. I kiss back, gentle like his, as if he is something so fragile and gentle.

I wrap my arms around his neck as we both begin to stand up. His hands move from my jaw to my waist. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around him. I lay the side of my head against the crook of his neck as he carries us towards his bed. I should be scared of whatever danger he is going to bring, but I don't. I only feel safe because it is him.

He lays us down. I am still clutching onto him, but I unwrap my legs and hands from him. His hand and arm are wrapped around the curve of my waist while the other is clutching the back of my head. I am laying against him as his back is against the bed. The side of my cheek is against his chest as I listen to his heart beat. My arms are snaking around his upper torso as he runs his fingers through my hair. We are both emotionally wrecked, but at least we have each other.

We stay like that, in silence, only enjoying each other's presence. I begin to drift off, feeling like every single problem has been solved.


I slowly open my eyes. It must have been an hour or two, judging by the clock. I am laying against him, my back now against his chest. Draco's arms are tightly around my upper torso with his face nuzzled against the crook of my neck.

I look to the back of my shoulder, enjoying the peaceful sight of him. I don't want to wake him as he is probably tired. I noticed the paler complexion and darker under-eyes this year. It hurts to see him like this, but sometimes I forget that I look the same way.

"I missed you a lot."

He whispers against my neck.

He lays a gentle kiss onto the crook of my neck before kissing my cheek. His hands and arms are still wrapped around the curve of my waist. I can feel his heartbeat against my back.

"I missed you too."

I say as I turn myself around.

His arms and hands are still around me, but I am facing towards him. My chest is against his as I run my hand through his hair. The other hand is against his chest, to support myself.

He relaxes under my touch, closing his eyes instantly as my fingers move through the platinum strands.

"Go back to sleep, Draco."

I say.

I begin to feel his breathing slow down as I continue to lay against him. His hold on me slightly loosens, hinting that his muscles are completely relaxed. I stare at the platinum strands as I continue to run my hand through them.

My mind begins to wander. I don't regret what I did, even if I might get hurt. I don't care if he puts me in danger, because it's my decision to stay with him. People may call me stupid if I ever explain our story, but I will never see my choice as something idiotic.

All I need is his him.

All I want is his him.

He may be the end to my story, but I don't care, because atleast I can die after touching him. He may bring death upon me, but I don't care.

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