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"You look so good, Carm."

Adelph says as she turns my head side to side with her hands on my head.

"Thanks, but you told me that for the tenth time."

I say as she turns my head side to side over again, looking at the makeup that she applied.

"It's unbelievable, you literally look like a doll."

She says, to which I thank her for again.

"Thanks for the compliments and all but can we get going? I really want to get fucked tonight."

I say as I pry her hands off of my head.


She huffs out as she stands up from her chair.

I stand up from my chair as I finally look at myself. A light pearl eye shadow is on my lids while a dark shimmer eye shadow is on my bottom lash line, making my eyes look bigger. My mascarad top lashes pop against my light lid. My cheeks look flushed but glowy with the help of highlighter and blush. A small amount of eyeliner is drawn on my inner eye corner while my outer lash line is outlined and smoked out with the same eyeliner, accentuating my eyes. My strawberry scented and tinted lip gloss makes my lips look juicy and plump, looking almost like glossed over porcelain.

Adelph looks good too. With her blonde hair that is curled into structural waves, she looks like something out of a painting.

"Do you want to use my lip gloss?"

I ask her as I change into something that is appropriate for the party.

She nods before grabbing my strawberry lip gloss from my hands.

After I slip into my clothes for tonight, I look at myself in the vanity mirror. My baby blue short dress is tight around the waist, but I wish that it was tighter. I wish that my waist was smaller, like Delphine's. I stare at the mirror as I eye my breasts, wondering if it can grow more at my age. I get lost in the mirror as I wonder if Draco would have asked me if I had them like Delphines.

I shake my head as I walk away, trying my best to ignore those thoughts. I know that I'm desirable, that I'm 'pretty', but does it even matter if I don't see it?

"Adelph, let's go."

I say as I slip into my white sneakers.


She yells out as she stumble whilst throwing on her shoes.


"I am going to Ezra, Carm."

Adelph says as she strays away from me.

The party is dim lit with blue lighting, which makes sense since the ravenclaw upperclassmen are hosting tonight's party. I look around, I don't want to admit for who, I simply do not want to admit it. My eyes land on the couple after skimming through the dancing crowd. His hands are tightly around her waist as they whisper words into each others ears.


Ernie says from behind me, making me turn away from the couple that I am so jealous of.

"Do you want to dance?"

He asks as he nods towards the dance floor.


I reply as I follow him.

We begin to dance. It started out as something friendly, then it turned flirtatious.

I sway my hips as our bodies brush against each others. My eyes snap towards Draco and Delphine, to my surprise, Draco was already looking at me. He glares at me as I snake my arms around Ernie's neck. A ugly feeling inside of my body erupts as Draco dips his head closer to Delphines. He stares at me as their lips mold against each others. I glare at him as I bring my face closer to Ernie's. His lips collides with mine, molding with mine in sync. His breath tastes like alcohol, but so is mine.

Draco's glare turns cold, a glare so cold that it could freeze over the Atlantic ocean. I look down to Ernie's shoulder as we slowly pull away.

"I need to get another drink."

I say before slipping out of his hold.

I need to get more fucked, I need to stop this weird feeling before it gets worse.

I run my hands through my hair as I look at the table that has the alcohol. Right before reaching out towards the vodka, my hand is pulled. I am practically dragged out of the party by Draco. His cologne that I am too familiar with fills my nose as I try to keep up with him. His back is faced to me but I can tell that he is angry from the way he walks.

"Where are we going?"

I ask as we walk through the halls.

He remains silent before shoving me into an empty classroom. I stumble back against the book shelf from his force as he slams the door shut. Before I can even talk, he crashes his lips onto mine. It is strong, filled with anger and passion. I lean against the book shelf as our lips move in sync, as if we share our thoughts. His right hand is gripping onto my hair from the side as the left hand is wrapped around the flesh under my jaw. His cold thumb feels good, it's cold, like he had been outside for long. I fist the fabric of his dress shirt as his tongue swipes across my bottom lip, asking for entrance. Our tongues fight aggressively as his hold on me tightens.

When the kiss slows down and stops, we open our eyes. His eyes are less cold and angry as he gazes at my lips and eyes.

"I'm going to break up with Delphine, I just wanted you to know that."

He says.


I say as I catch my breath.

His hand that is fisting my hair slowly loosens before running his fingers down my hair. His hand that was tightly wrapped closely around my jaw also loosens. His thumb that is close to my lips brushes my bottom lip as he smirks down at me.

"You taste good, like strawberries."

He says.

I look down, trying to hide my cheeks that are glowing pink. My face is lifted soon by his hand though, making my cheeks grow pinker. He tastes my lips once again, this time more gentle.

"I have to go, Adelph might get suspicious."

I say as our lips separate.

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