♡ᠻꪮ𝘳𝓽ꪗ ꪀ𝓲ꪀꫀ♡︎

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Draco calls out as I lounge on his bed.


I him out as I face him.

He is standing in front of me melancholy.

"I'm going now, even if I don't come to our space in time, go without me."

He says.

I stare at him with a faint frown as he walks towards me. He grabs my face with both of his hands and gives me a longing kiss on my lips before kissing the top of my head quickly.

"I love you."

He says as his hands slowly slip away from my face.

"I love you too."

I say back.

He takes a small step back as his hand cups my cheek. He stares at me with a small smile, one filled with hope and sorrow at the same time.

He walks away, his hand sliding off of my cheek as if it is forced to come out of contact with my skin. I go over the plan for today as Draco walks away, into the night, the night of his task.

The plan is to go to the forest by midnight with my portkey to my cabin that I left in the woods. I'm suppose to wait there until Draco comes, and if he doesn't come I will have to go by myself. I don't see myself ever leaving without him but that's what he wants me to do. We promised afterall that I will stick to the plan, even if he does not come to our spot in the forest. I don't know the details on why I have to go but all I know is that if he does not show up, he is most likely in grave danger or dead. What I also know is that it must mean that I am in danger if he is so eager for me to get away from this place on this night.

I sigh as I adjust my dress. I have the portkey in my pocket.

I should say goodbye to everyone, it's the right thing to do.

I think to myself as I slowly stand up from the bed.

I make my way through the halls, towards Cyrus's dorm. He should be in there since he usually calculates his business matter during this time.

When I arrive in front of his door, I feel a large wave of loneliness. He has protected me since I was young from the cruel reality that mostly stemmed from my parents, so saying goodbye to him is quite hard, even though this is not a goodbye that will last forever.


I call out as I knock on his door.

He immediately opens it.

"Do you need anything?"

He asks with concern, but he has a small smile on like always.

"No, I just need to say something quick."

I say as I let myself in.

He shuts the door and stands in front of me with confusion.

"I just wanted to tell you that Draco and I will be away for some time, but it is for our safety. I will be safe, so do not worry if I end up labeled as a missing person. Do not tell anyone that I am safe and sound though."

I explain, calm as possible I can be.

"I am okay with everything as long if you end up safe."

He says with a smile as he holds out his pinky finger, giving me the feeling of nostalgia.

"I will."

I say as I intertwine my pinky finger with his.

I give him a longing hug, surprising him. I feel as if reality hit me all at once. Once I end the hug, I immediately walk towards the door because I know that staying here will only make it harder for me to leave.

"Stay safe."

He says as he watches me leave.

"You too."

I say back before exiting.

I suck up the intense feelings as I rush through the boy's dorm halls to the girl's dorm halls.

I knock on Adelph and I'd room door. It takes a second for Adelph to answer, but I know that she rushed as quick as she possibly could.


She says with a smile.

"I haven't seen you around lately."

She adds as she guides me inside.

"Sorry about that, Adelph."

I say.

"No worries."

She says as she engulfs me in a hug.

I can smell the sweet smell that surrounds her aura. The smell of my closest friend; the smell of my teenage years. Her hug is warmer than usual this time it feels, but it could just be me feeling more emotional.

"Draco and I will be away for some time. I will be safe, do not tell anyone this information."

I saying as she ends the hug.


She asks.

"I will be safe but I will be away."

I repeat.

"I would ask you questions but I feel like I shouldn't. So all I am going to say that I wish you the best."

She says.

I could tell that she could feel my current emotions. The feeling of uncertainty, fear, sorrow, and the unlikely feeling of peace.


I can see the flames ignite through the shadows of leaves. The night seems cool as the night wind greets my skin frequently.

The time is 11:40 P.M.

Draco needs to be here. He has to be, because I cannot go without him.

I feel pressure in my throat, one that is painful as I begin to panic. Tears begin to brim my eyes as I feel like I am choking on a knife.

Please come by midnight.

I am begging you.

I am begging whatever higher being, whatever can let him come by midnight to let it happen.


The sound of footsteps behind me is audible. I turn around. It is dark and my eyes are full of tears; my vision isn't the best right now. My heart is pounding. It could be Draco or a deatheater. I am afraid.

"Carmen, are you there?"

Draco asks softly, making me sigh out.

I see him clearly now as he lights up his wand. I run to him. I engulf him in a tight hug that is full of relief and glee. He hugs me back.

"Are you ready?"

He asks as I continue to clutch onto him.

I nod as I take out the portkey from my pocket.

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