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  The only thing that I can describe the past couple of months as is with two words: timorous and doting. Draco and I made a plan, you see. After Draco completes his task, he will run away with me to the forest, where my cabin from two summers ago awaits. It's the only way we could be together in the most safest way possible. The only people who know about our plan are Blaise, Adelph, Ezra, and my brother. They all swore to secrecy and are helping us. Adelph visited my cabin during the weekends to construct a complicated bubble that will make my cabin invisible and almost non existent. Cyrus has told me that he would send food and other necessities for Draco and I during our hideout in the cabin by putting a invisible spell on his owl.

Every one has been supportive, but I can't help but feel anxious. Draco has mentioned his task, but he has never gone into full detail. All I know about it is how he won't be innocent in the eyes of the law anymore, and that it is causing a lot of stress.

The months have been nothing but chaotic and unstable, yet we survived it. We still have each other and weirdly, Draco and I are the closest we have ever been. We stuck through and helped each other out to our abilities. The months have passes so quickly that I am convinced that it is cannot already be June.

Today is June 5th, Draco's birthday.

I have not gotten anything because I don't know what to gift. He seemingly has everything materialistic, so it is no use to get him something with value. I want it to mean a lot, my present. I want to it to have a lot of thought into it.

Why couldn't I have come up with something soon enough?

I scold in my head as I rub my temples with the tip of my fingers. I am sitting on his bed as I wait for him to come home. It is nighttime, the day is almost over, yet I don't have anything to give.

My head peaks up as I hear the door open and close. Draco stares at me with the fatigue in his eyes as he walks in. He loosens his tie, tossing it onto the ground as he moves.

"Happy birthday."

I say as he climbs onto the bed.

"You already wished me one this morning."

He says with a small chuckle.

"Sorry, I don't know what else to say. I was suppose to get you something but I didn't know what to get. I'm empty handed, Draco."

I say as Draco lays the side of his head on my lap. His arms are around my waist as I run my fingers through his hair.

"Remind me what we're going to do once I do the task."

He says, his eyes still closed.


I ask.

"Remind me what is on the other side. Remind me what is waiting in the future, one with you."

He says.

I rest my forehead against the top of his head as I think.


I reply.

"It will be just the two of us in a peaceful environment, that's all I can promise."

I add.

Seconds of silence goes by. He has been like this way, being silent and in deep thought.

"I'm scared, Carmen."

He mutters out tiredly as he slowly opens his eyes.

"Everything will be alright."

I whisper.

The tip of my fingers go through his hair. I am scared too, but I don't want to make him more stressed. Whatever task that he was assigned with seems to be stressful enough.

I know that if I had just moved on from him that I would not go through this, yet I am sure that this is the right option; He is the right option.

I would do it all over again if I had the chance.

Everything that we do is for each other, so everything must work out.

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