♡︎𝓽ꫝ𝓲𝘳𝓽ꪗ ꪀ𝓲ꪀꫀ♡︎

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"Jesus, it's cold."

Adelph curses under her breath as we walk through the Hogwarts hall.

Draco and I are walking side by side, a couple of inches away from each other because of Umbridge's idiotic rules. She makes me want to gauge my own eyeballs out. I hate Umbridge with a passion. She blames everything on the girls. Short skirts, makeup, having a boyfriend, everything is blamed on the girls.

"Carmen Stella, please come with me to my office."

Umbridge announces from a couple of feet away, causing me to turn my head towards her.

She flashes a small smile at me before walking towards her office. I follow her as I curse inside my brain. I wonder what she will punish me for now. Last time, she punished me for wearing something "promiscuous." All what I was wearing was the uniform skirt and thigh high socks. I don't get it; why are thigh high socks fetishized when it covers more skin than knee highs?

"Do we have a problem?"

I ask as I take a seat in her office.

She clears her throat before sipping on her overly sweetened tea. I stare at her with an unamused gaze as she sets her tea down with a forced out smile.

"You must know the rule with female and male, Ms. Stella."

She says.

"I was a couple of inches away from Draco."

I say, my tone calm but still sharp.

"But not eight inches."

She argues back.

I relax against the back of the chair with my arms on the arm rest. I stare at her, not glaring, but a stare that says, "fuck you."

"Why am I getting punished? Why do you only punish the girls?"

I test.

"Ms. Stella, I get your resentment, however, here under my rule, we have a zero tolerance policy for rule breakers."

She explains, her voice slowly getting higher and higher every word.

"If you have a zero tolerance, why don't you punish the boys?"

I ask.

"Excuse me?"

She says, baffled by my question.

"You have a 5:1 ratio of punishment against the female students and male students. You punish the girls for wearing skirts, makeup, certain jewelry, and silly things like socks, while the boys literally fool around and fight in the halls and you say nothing. I just think that it is unfair of your treatment towards the female students."

I explain, causing her eyes to twitch.

"Ms.Stella, I will not sit here and tolerate your back talk."

Umbridge announces.

"It's not back talk. Professor Umbridge, I'm simply stating my thoughts and opinions."

I say.

"Enough! Just get to work with your punishment. You know how it works, Ms. Stella."

She bursts.

I let out a tired sigh as I walk towards the desk that has the painful quill.


"What did she say now?"

Adelph asks with concern as I sit across from her in the dining hall.

"Nothing important."

I reply as I shift my body against the dining table seats for comfort. Draco takes a seat next to me as Blaise, Ezra, sits besides Adelph. Cyrus sits on my unoccupied side with a smile as he begins to dive into his lunch.

"What's not important?"

Draco asks in a whisper.


I reply as I pick up my fork.

Draco only stares at my robe covered arm as I pretend to not be bothered by the burning, tinging sensation on my arm.

"Give me your arm, Carmen."

Draco demands in a whisper.

"Fuck off."

I groan out as I stand up and begin to walk away, not bothered by my untouched food.

I rush out of the great hall and begin to walk up the stairs. My wrist is pulled back by a cold hand that is decorated with rings. I instantly know who it is.

"Show me your arm."

Draco says.

"No, fuck off."

I reply calmly as I try to snatch my wrist away from his grasp.

"I'm not going to leave you alone, Carmen."

He says as he tightens his grip.

I roll my eyes before being dragged away by him. He guides me by my arm through the halls. We pass through the stair way and all the way to the slytherin dungeon. He ends up shoving me into his room, quite more gently than usual.

I snatch my arm from his grip and make my way to his bed with my arms crossed. Draco remains silent, but I can feel his stare burning my skin. He stands infron of me as I stare at my thighs.

"Fine, if you want to see my arm so badly, here."

I say as I hold out my arm infront of Draco.

Draco is quiet but he clutches my arm gently before rolling up my sleeves as if I was made out of something delicate and expensive.

"Who did this to you?"

He asks.

"Who do you think did it?"

I reply with.


He asks, to which I nod.


He asks, his tone more softer.

"Because I'm a girl, that's literally it."

I reply with as I feel his hands continue to clutch into my arm.

"There must be more to the story."

He adds, pissing me off.

"She punished me because I wasn't eight inches away fron you. She punished me because god forbid a girl be next to a boy, and also because it is always the girls fault. You would have been punished if it was about something other than gender."

I reply with.

He is quiet as he slowly lowers my arm onto my lap. He walks towards a cabinet that is full of medical supplies. I hear him rummage through the cabinet as I look down to my arm.

"Is this the first time?"

He asks as he walks towards me with a handful of medical supplies, to which I shake my head.

"I'm sorry, Carmen. I'm really sorry for not realizing what Umbridge is doing."

He spoke as he kneels before me.

He begins to treat my injured arm. One of his hand is placing ointment onto the scars, and his other hand is holding onto the back of my arm, keeping it in place as I flinch my arm.

I finally updated, ah😛.

Anways, if you think of a random cute situation that u want me to include, feel free to comment or dm me on this app. If I do end up using it on this book or another, I will give credit in the beggining of the story, I promise♥︎ Love you all, have a good day or night☻︎

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