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"Did you hear? The first triwizard task is next week."

Adelph says, making small talk with her hufflepuff friends.

"I bet that Cedric Diggory is going to win."

Adelph's friends, Hannah Abbott says.

I remain quiet as we all lounge underneath the large tree that is on the courtyard. Draco and his goons are sitting on top of the tree as I lounge underneath. He and his friends are laughing and joking, mostly making casual talk.

"The yule ball is coming up soon, who are you going with?"

Ernie Macmillan asks me.

I look up from my fingers, the ones that were playing around with a half burnt cigarette.

"I don't know."

I reply before placing the cigarette in between my mouth.

"Do you want to go with somebody?"

He asks.

"Don't really care to know."

I reply.

"Would you care if I asked you?"

He asks.

"Don't know."

I answer honestly.

He nods to himself before standing up. He walks away from Adelph, Hannah, and I to god knows where.

"I think he likes you, Carm."

Adelph says as she nudges my arm.

I shrug as I take another inhale of nicotine.

"A muggle lover and a hufflepuff lover, what a disgusting combination."

I hear Draco sneer as he leaps from the tree.

I don't bother to look up from my fingers that are sandwiching my cig. He walks up to us, his two friends trailing after him. 

"Why do you care so much?"

I ask, my tone unemotional and calm.

"Your an embarrassment to the slytherin house, that's why."

He begins as his polished shoes stand in front of my cigarette holding hand.

"You're tarnishing our reputation, you see?"

He sneers.

I stare at his shoes as he talks. I ignore his words as I let out my cigarette on his expensive shoes. Draco's friends and Pansy from afar audibly gasps as the black circle is revealed on his shoe. I stand up, brushing my clothes as I do so.

I hear Draco and his friends talk as I walk away.


"Are you going to pay for Draco's shoes or what?"

I hear Pansy snarl as she sits next to me at the dining hall.

I ignore her as I continue to eat my food. Adelph isn't here, she's out studying. However, Cyrus and Ezra are present.

"What did Carmen do?"

Cyrus asks as he sets his fork down.

Pansy explains to Cyrus about the events that unfolded a couple of hours before, all in detail. As she babbles on, I look over to Draco. He is already staring at me with his cold, dull eyes. I dip the top of my middle finger in pudding as our eyes lock. I flip him off as I place the pudding coated finger into my mouth. I let the middle finger linger, to make my message clear.

"I can't believe that you did that, Carmen."

Ezra says with a chuckle as Pansy glares at him.

"Don't encourage her."

Cyrus scolds as he nudges his arm with his elbow.

"Sorry, it's just funny, that's all."

Ezra explains halfheartedly.

"Carmen, Draco is on my quidditch team and he has done nothing but incredible things. It would be nice if you acted like a decent person towards him."

Cyrus says as I look at him.

Pansy smirks as she crosses her arms. I roll my eyes at Cyrus's words as I get up.

"Carmen, where do you think you are going?"

Cyrus asks as I walk away.

I remain silent as I go behind a sitting Draco. He is unaware of my presence, he is simply laughing and enjoying his time with his friends. In one motion, I place my hand on the back of his head and push his face into his creamy bowl of pudding. His friend's laughter stops as Draco remain silent.


I hear Cyrus yell from a couple of seats down.

I look at him and smile before walking away. The entire dining hall erupts in chuckles and giggles as Draco lifts up his face from the pudding bowl. I don't giggle or smile though, I was and still am very angry.

"My father will hear about this!"

Draco yells as I walk out of the dining hall.

How can Cyrus take Draco's side when Draco was the one who tormented me first? It is unfair, very unjust. I don't get it, how can someone take their sports team member's side over their own sisters?

"Hey, Carmen!"

I hear Adelph's friend, Ernie Macmillan call out.

I stop my feet as he walks up to me. We are in the middle of the empty halls where his blonde locks look darker in the dim lit lighting.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to the yule ball with me?"

Ernie asks.

"I will think about it."

I reply.

He nods as he clears his throat.

"Okay, come to me when you have an answer."

He says before running back towards the dining hall.

The sound of soft rain falling peacefully knits my senses back together. My anger slowly slips from my mind as I walk towards the courtyard. I stick my hand out from the roof, trying to feel the rain. I smile to myself as I feel the therapeutic feeling of cold water droplets.

When I was a child, I used to love the rain. Whenever my parents were busy arguing during a rainy night, I used to slip through the back doors and enjoy the drizzling rain. Cyrus used to hate that, telling me that it was water made out of germs. I never cared though, I loved the rain so much.

"Thanks, Beau."

I say as the family owl hands me a letter.

Beau cooes before taking off, leaving me there with a letter.

Judging by the silver wax seal and black envelope, it must be from my mother. I sigh as I open it up, exhausted from the letter dramas.

Dear, Carmen.
I sent a similar letter to Cyrus, he probably will receive it a second after yours. Anyways, I will get straight to the point now. Your father and I had decided to move to another Manor for your father's convenience. The manor would be right by my old friend, Narcissa Malfoy's Manor. We will not move until spring, so unless if you would want us to leave your stuff behind in the old Manor, you must come home for spring.
- Your mother

Well, fuck.

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