♡︎𝓽᭙ꫀꪀ𝓽ꪗ ᠻ𝓲ꪜꫀ♡︎

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"Can't I go to my own room?"

I ask Cyrus as I stare at his room ceiling. My body is laid on his bed as Cyrus, Ezra, Blaise, and Draco play their daily card game at the table that is a couple of feet away from the bed.

"What's wrong with staying in my room?"

Cyrus asks, blowing out smoke from his mouth as he talks with a cigarette stuck in the side of his mouth.

Someone knocks on the room door, making me sit up.

"Fuck, I forgot about Paul today."

Cyrus says.

"The guy who always buy four bottles of liquor?"

Ezra asks.

I stare at Cyru as I begin to stand up on my feet. We communicate with our eyes as the impatient knocking continues.

"Fine, but you remember the prices right?"

Cyrus says, giving in.

"I do, don't worry."

I say as I unlock the door.

I peak my head out the door, surprising the customer, Paul. He stares at me with his mouth slightly gaped open. His strawberry blonde hair is slicked back. His brown eyes are slightly widened as he stares at me. I remember him, I saw him around the slytherin common a lot back at Hogwarts.

"Where's Cyrus?"

He asks.

"He's here, but I'm also here."

I say as I open the door.

"You're his sister right?"

He asks, to which I nod as I grab his wrist with my hand.

His body jerks as I lead him towards the cabinet. His wrist that I am holding slightly loosens up as I unlock the cabinet with the spare key.

"Which one will you take?"

I ask as I lean against the cabinet.

I let go of his wrist as he looks at me then to the cabinet. My bubblegum pops as he thinks. He has a lot of money, I know it, his dad works with mine.

"Three fire whiskeys and a large bottle of gin."

He says.

I grab the bottles and place it into a bag. He stares at my face to the bottom of my skirt. I know that he is checking me out, any idiot can tell that. He knows the price, this was his usual order.

The total is eight galleons, but he doesn't need to remind himself that.

"Did the price change?"

He asks as I hand him the bag full of bottles.

I stare at him as I lean against the cabinet again. My right hip and shoulder is against the wood of the cabinet as he stares back at me. My pointer finger traces the button of his button up shirt as he grows with fluster.

"I don't know, Paul, you tell me."

I say.

"Alright, fifteen galleons then."

He says as he hands me his wallet.

"You trust me with your wallet?"

I ask with a smile as I pull out fifteen galleons.

"Yeah, it's not like I would be mad if you stole from me anyways."

He jokes.

I smile at his remark as I hand him his wallet back. I begin to walk him back towards the door, much to my dismay. My head is popping out of the door as he stands in front of the entrance, just like when we met a couple of minutes ago.

"Pleasure doing business with you."

I say.

"No, it's my pleasure."

He says before going down the stairs.

I flash him another smile before shutting and locking the door. Cyrus is staring at me, his eyes widening at my skill.

"How did you raise the price from eight to fifteen galleons like that?"

Cyrus asks.

"It's easier than you think."

I say as I walk towards the table where everybody is sitting. I place fifteen galleons on the table, sliding it over to Cyrus.

"Merlin, Carmen."

Cyrus mutters as takes the money, still shocked on how well I rose the price.

He resumes the game as I sit on the edge of the table, away from the cards. I slip a cigarette out of Cyrus's cigarette box before lighting it with the lighter nearby. I smoke as I watch them play cards. I am sitting right above Cyrus, who is sitting next to Ezra. Draco is sitting directly across from Cyrus with Blaise on his side.

"That one."

I whisper to Cyrus as I point to a card that is held up in his cards.

Cyrus places the card on the table, causing Blaise to groan.

"That's not fair, I just heard Carmen helping you."

Blaise complains.

"You're just mad that my sister is smart, I heard Draco helping you a couple of minutes ago."

Cyrus complains back.

Blaise raises his eyebrows at Cyrus, causing Cyrus to do the same. I stare at the bundle of cards as Ezra and Draco continues to play.

"Do you want to join, Carmen?"

Ezra politely asks.

Cyrus and Blaise continues to argue like children in the background as Draco and I stare at each other for a moment.

"You can play with me if you want."

Draco says.

"No thanks."

I say, not wanting to ruin their fun.

With that, I walk back to bed and lay down, ready to fall asleep again. I sleep a lot lately, it's one of my coping mechanism. I don't have to deal with any of this mess when I sleep, it's quite nice.

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