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  I walk around the library, looking for a decent book to read. It is early in the morning, so no one is here.

"Watch where you're going."

Draco sneers as I bump into him.

I step back and look up to him. His nose is slightly tense as his eyes are slightly squinted, like a small glare. I roll my eyes as I shove my way past him, to get to the fiction section.

"You should at least apologize, you made me bump into your filthy arse."

Draco spits as I squat down and run my fingers along the books.

I remain quiet as he stands in front of me. His brand new shoes are right next to mine. I hear the shuffling of ones foot a couple of feet away from us but I ignore it.

Delphine peaks her eyes from the corner of the neighboring shelf. Her earthy blue eyes glare at Carmen as jealousy kicks in.

"Can you leave me alone?"

Carmen asks.

Draco squats down to Carmen's level. Delphine's fists clench as she spots the pink colour on Carmen's cheek. Draco doesn't notice it, but Delphine does.

"Do you have a crush on me or something? Why can't you leave me the fuck alone?"

Carmen asks, calm but harshly.

Draco doesn't answer her questions, he just stares at her. Delphine observes behind the shelf as Carmen runs her hand through his hair. Draco slightly flinches, he didn't expect Carmen to touch him.

"Do I make you nervous?"

Carmen asks.

Draco only glares at her. He would rather die than let Carmen know of his fatal attraction to her. He continues to glare as Carmen lets her head back and laughs. Her soft fingers are still in his hair, the fingers that he has dreamed of touching him like this.

Carmen stops her laughing as she slides her hand out of his hair. She stands up and walks away with a book in her hand, but not before smirking at the 'hiding' Delphine.


"This yule ball thing, do you think that you will accept Ernie as a date?"

Adelph asks as I stare out at Delphine and Draco.

The sun is shining above us in the courtyard on this wintery afternoon. I inhale and exhale my nicotine as I watch Delphine and Draco joke around on the bench that is on the other side of the courtyard. With her strikingly blue eyes to her straight blonde hair, Delphine is the beauty standard that everybody raves about. I turn my head to the side as Delphine begins to run her hands through his almost white hair.

Why am I like this?

I don't even like him, I think.

I stand up without a word as I let my half burnt cigarette drop to the ground. I step on it before walking away.

I think about Draco, what he really feels about me as I walk. I can just imagine the dazed look on my face as I walk around the halls with my leather book bag slung over my shoulder.


I hear Ernie call out.

I see Draco whip his head from afar, away from Delphine from the corner of my eyes. I smile internally as I see the scowl grow on Delphine's distant face.

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