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"Isn't he dreamy?"

Pansy says, her tone flirty and dreamy.

My lips are slightly scrunched up with disgust as I look to the ground. Six of us girls are sitting in a circle on the ground, out legs crossed. We all are talking about boys, the idiotic species.

"Don't you think, Carmen?"

Pansy asks.


Is all what I reply with.

I disassociate as I stare at the wall. Pansy's dorm is quite cold and doesn't feel like home. I wonder if her actual house is like this, but now that I think about it, the only reason why my dorm feels like home is because of Adelph. Adelph's muggle candles that smells like confetti and vanilla makes it feel warm, and the pastel stickers that we plastered all over the walls during our first year adds a touch of childishness. Adelph's parents are muggles, but at least they are warm and kind. My family is nothing warm, but they aren't cold either. We are, well... a family, you can call it.

They are also one of the reasons why I left.

"So, why did you leave in the first place?"

Pansy's friend, Raven asks.

I shrug as I drink out from my flask.

"C'mon, you must have a reason."

Another girl nudges.

I see Adelph shuffle uncomfortably as they try to make me spit out a reason. Adelph knows the endless reasons why I left this place, why I left Britain. She knows why I didn't bother coming back home to Britain for some holidays.

"Tell us, you're making us wonder."

Pansy says with a smirk.

I take another sip out of the flask before setting it down. I look up at Pansy with a neutral expression.

"I got bored."

I answer.

The girls laugh, most of them are tipsy. Adelph is forcing out a laugh while Pansy doesn't. I wonder why, I wonder why she doesn't laugh like the other girls.

"You got bored?"

Pansy asks, sounding a little irritated.


I casually reply as I stumble up.

I walk over to the door as I stuff the flask into my pajama short's pocket. The four of the girls, including Adelph are laughing as Pansy stares at me with a serious expression.

"Where are you going?"

She asks, her tone sharp and angry.

I don't say a word as I open the door. I take the flask out of my pocket before raising it up in the air. I shake the flask, answering her question. She doesn't say a word as I stumble out. The alcohol hits me like a truck as everything feels slightly more slower. I lean towards the wall as I walk down the stairs carefully, trying to head towards my brother's room peacefully.

My brother's room is what some people call, the liquor shop. He has everything from liquor to drugs, everything. Luckily, I have the pass code to his room. The problem is that I am completely fucked on a Friday at midnight, and I have to walk through the common room.


Ezra asks from the leather common room couch.

I remain quiet as I slightly stumble. I try my best to act sober, but anyone in the right mind can tell that I am not. He calls out my name as I walk up the stairs that leads me to the men's dorm hall. Everything is going as planned until I fall onto my bum. I stare at the ground as everything feels weird, I am so fucked up. The person who bumped into me walks down the stairs as Ezra walks towards me.

"Watch it, muggle lover."

The person revealed as Draco sneers.

I remain quiet, only staring at the ground, trying to make the feeling of dizziness wash away.

"Carmen, are you alright?"

Ezra asks as he crouches down.

"God, is she deaf?"

Draco mutters as he also crouches down.

"Hey, we're both talking to you."

Draco spat as I slowly looked up.

"I don't think that she is okay."

I hear Ezra say.

"I'm fine and I'm not deaf."

I spat as I clumsily stand up, using Ezra's shoulder as a cane.

"You're wasted, aren't you?"

Draco asks, clearly finding amusement at my state.

I remain quiet as I walk towards the stairs that will lead me up to Cyrus's dorm. I lean against the cold stone as I climb up, leaving the two boys behind.

Merlin, I'm turning like mum.

I think to myself as tears slowly well up in my eyes.

I sloppily rub my nose with the outside of my hands, specifically my knuckles. The stairs seem so long, why the hell are there so many steps?

I jingle Cyrus's room open and it poorly sling open. I open his liquor drawer and pull out a random liquor that is most likely cheap. I take it out and pour it into my flask. I feel myself getting less woozy as I shut the flask up.

"Jeez, Carmen, didn't you have enough?"

Ezra says.

Of course he came in here, he's Cyrus's roommate after all.

"I'm getting this for that pug faced, pure bloodist bitch's sleep over."

I explain, slurring my speech as I walk out the room.

"Don't tell Cyrus, thanks."

Is what all I say before slamming the dorm room's door shut.

"A muggle lover and a drunk, who would have thought?"

I hear Draco mock.

He is leaning against the end of the stairs, a smirk plastered onto his face. I want to punch him so badly, but I won't.

"Adelph isn't a muggle, she's just muggle born."

I explain as I walk down the stairs, trying to knock some common sense into him.

"Know the difference, you sound stupid."

I add as I look into his eyes.

He glares at me as his face scrunches up with disgust. I continue to walk away, not wanting to fight.

"I will make your life hell."

He sneers from a feet away.

"Go ahead, try me, my life couldn't get any worse."

I say, my tone unamused and calm.

With that, I walk into Pansy's dorm. Everybody is there, talking, most likely gossiping. Adelph looks down, clearly uncomfortable. I can tell that Pansy said something that has to do with blood status when I left, I just know.

"I'm not feeling well, I might leave with Adelph."

I say as I set the flask down into one of Pansy's friend's hands.

"She needs to help me, I'm really clumsy when I get fucked."

I say as Adelph stands up, a small smile sporting her face.

We quickly walk out of there. The second Pansy's door shuts, Adelph lets out a sigh.

"Pansy was talking about muggleborns, thank god you rescued me."

She says as we walk towards our room.

"Let's not hang out with Pansy anymore, I don't like her."

I say as she walks in front of me and opens the door for me.

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