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It has been an hour since I had told Adelph, they all must be in the hospital.

Including Draco.

I take a deep breath as I prepare myself. I have been standing in front of the hospital wing entrance, too ashamed to step my foot in.


I hear Draco say as he stops in his tracks.

He came out of the hospital wing, he must have visited Delphine. His eyes aren't soft like they had been before, they are now stern.

"Is she okay?"

I ask.

"She's alive, definitely not okay."

He says.

He begins to walk away, making me panic. I can't loose him like the rest, he can't abandon me.

"I didn't mean to, I swear. She came at me, she was about to hex me."

I plead, my eyes welling tears as he looks at me with disgust.

He stops walking before taking a few steps closer to me.

"So you pushed her down the stairs?"

He spat.

"I fucked up, I really fucked up. I didn't want to hurt her, it all happened so fast, I swear."

I say as I begin to cry.

He steps closer to me as I let my tears fall down. His nose is slightly scrunched with disgust as he looks into my eyes. He looks like he could lash out at me any second.

"Yeah, you fucked up alright, you could have killed her."

He says.

"I didn't mean to."

I plead.

"It doesn't matter, she could have died."

He says, making me go silent.

"I could never be with you, you disgust me."

He sneers before walking away.

I watch his back as he disappears into the halls. Each footsteps that echoes in the air feels like a stab at my heart. I knew I should have closed up my emotions, they all leave me eventually, they all do.

My head looks back at the entrance again as I hear Adelph's footsteps.


I call out.

She is in front of Cyrus and Ezra, a sad look in her face. She looks more disappointed than angry, which is worse in my opinion. I would rather have her yell and curse me out.

"I swear I didn't mean to hurt her, please, don't resent me."

I beg.

She stares at me for a moment, creating an eerie silence.

"You lied to me."

She says, her voice full of sorrow and disappointment.

"I told you to not play around with Ernie, that he was my friend."

She continues, her voice full of dismay.

"I didn't mean-"

I say before being interrupted.

"Oh, but you did. You lied to Ernie and I. You kissed him twice whilst liking someone else, twice, Carmen."

She says.

"His heart will broken when he finds out, Carmen."

She says as she looks down to the floor.

I look at her with regret as I wait for her to say something, to fill in the painful silence. After a couple of seconds of silence, she looks up. I feel my insides flinch as her doe eyes looks at me the way a lost puppy would.

"You don't respect me, not the way best friends should. I respect you, why can't you do the same?"

She asks.

"I do respect you, Adelph."

I say.

"If you do respect me, I wouldn't have to confront you about Ernie in the first place."

She says as she shakes her head.

"You know nothing about me, Carmen. You just think that I am your dumb side kick, you don't view me as an actual friend."

She says.

"I'm sorry, Adelph."

I apologize again, hoping that everything will turn out better towards the end.

"What else are hiding from me, Carmen? Did you kiss Ezra too?"

She asks, making me look down to my feet.

She looks at Ezra and I as uncomfortable silence fills in. Cyrus is silent too, but I bet that he is just as disappointed in me as Adelph is right now.

"It was two years ago."

Ezra mutters as he shifts his feet uncomfortably.

Adelph covers her mouth with her hand as her tears spill. I feel myself die a little inside as I watch my best friend cry.


Alpha says with disbelief before storming away.

Ezra chases after her, leaving me alone with Cyrus. His footsteps echoes the hallways as he runs. Cyrus looks at me as I messily wipe my tears away with my hands, trying my best to clean myself up.

"Please, not you too Cyrus."

I beg as I look at him in the eyes.

"He is my best friend, Carmen. I'm mad at him too but you are just as responsible, you're my sister."

He says.

"I know, I'm really sorry."

I say as my eyes pleads with his to not leave like everyone else.

"And Delphine, I can't believe you almost killed her. Madam Pomfrey told us that if she was left alone until the morning, she could have actually died."

Cyrus explain.

"I can't have a murderer as a sister."

He mutters as he takes a step towards the exit.

I shake my head as he begins to walk away. Tears drop onto the castle floor as the realization that I am now alone has kicked in. Everything feels so surreal since everything was just fine earlier today.

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