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It has been weeks since he had told me that he would break up with Delphine, yet he never did. I never saw them together but judging by the way Delphine talked, they are still together.

My fingers fumble around my silver ring that has a heart shaped emerald. It is a ring that my grandfather gave me when I was sorted into slytherin. He was so happy, I remember. Draco is next to me, unfortunately. I feel him stare at me as I stare at Snape.

"I didn't mean for this to go on for so long."

He whispers as Snape lectures.

I remain quiet as I pretend to pay attention to the lecture. I refuse to look at him, even for a second.

"She keeps on avoiding me, I think that she knows that I am going to break up with her."

He explains, but I don't buy it.


I say as class is dismissed.

I quickly sling my leather book bag over my shoulder before walking out. My walk is not aggressive, I'm not stomping, but the way I move is fierce and speaks with rage. I walk out to the halls, trying to find Ernie. I storm over to him the second I spot him leaning against the wall in the halls.

"Hey, Car-"

He greets before being cut off with a kiss on the lips.

He blinks a couple of times as I inch away, ending the kiss. I walk away before he can even say a thing, leaving him in the halls. I look back before turning, glaring at Draco before I disappear into the other section of the hallway.


I watch the triwizard contestants dive into the great lake. My arms are crossed as I watch with an unamused expression. Adelph is next to me with a smile as she claps along with the cheery crowd.

"That wasn't so kind."

Draco whispers into my ear.

I remain silent as I stare out at the water, my arms still crossed. Adelph is too invested in the contest that she doesn't even notice Draco on the other side of me. His breathing tickles my ear as he thinks of something to say, something to divert my attention from the water.

"I'm not lying, she literally leaves the room whenever I come in."

He reasons.

"If you're not lying, why does she still talk about you like your fucking her every night?"

I ask in a whisper.

"She is lying, we haven't been near each other since the party."

He says.

I continue to look at the water. I believe him, yet I don't want to forgive him. Perhaps its my stubbornness, or maybe it's because I'm finally feeling guilty for being the cause of the breakup.

"Let me know when you're ready to forgive me, Carmen."

Draco whispers before walking back to his spot.

I stare in a daze as Cedric comes up with Cho. I think about what I should do, what I will do. I take out a small note card and a pen out of my pocket.

Meet me near the grand stairs at midnight, don't be late.

I write before stuffing the pen into my pocket again.

I excuse myself to Adelph, saying that I am going to use the bathroom. I walk towards Draco as he stares out at the water, waiting for the outcome of the contest. He is too invested to even notice what I slipped inside his jumper pocket.


I lean against the stone railing of the stairs as I wait for Draco. My over sized sweatshirt seems transparent as I shiver. I should have worn sweatpants, not some pajama shorts on this February night.

"I knew that it was you."

I hear Delphine say as her footsteps comes close.

It is too dark to see, the candles goes out after midnight in the castle. Her features become more visible as she stands in front of me.

"Where's Draco?"

I ask.

"He's not coming, he didn't even see your pathetic note."

She spat.

"I snatched it out of his pocket after he let me borrowed his jumper. He looked awfully guilty when he broke up with me, I knew that it had to do something with you."

She says, her upper lip slightly curled up.

"It's not my fault."

I say.

"Oh, yes it is."

She says before walking closer to me.

"Stop that, Delphine."

I say as I walk backwards.

She glares at me as she continues to take more steps. The side of my body is facing the stairs as she circles around me. She stands in front of the stairs as I stand in front of her.

"Don't come closer, I mean it."

I say as she whips out her wand.

"I'm warning you, Delphine."

I say, my head slightly tilting.

It all happened so fast, she was about to say some hex and I panicked.

I swear I didn't mean to push her down the grand stairs.


I call out as I peak my head.

I can't see her, only the dark silhouette of her body. As I walk down the stairs, I begin to see the small pool of blood that surrounds the top her head. My breathing hitches as I stare at the dark liquid. I run up the stairs, frantic to call for help, I don't know what to do.

I rush through the slytherin common room to the girl's hallways. I jingle open my dorm, waking Adelph up.

"Why are you out so late?"

Adelph groans out as she sits up against her bed.


I say, my voice in a frantic tone.

"Is everything okay? What happened?"

She asks as she grows concerned.

"I pushed Delphine down the stairs, I didn't mean to, I swear."

I say.

"Let me go get Ezra and Cyrus."

She says as she leaps up to her feet.

"No, don't."

I beg as as I clutch onto her wrist, stopping her.


She asks.

"Cyrus will tell Draco, Draco can't know."

I say.

Adelph stares at me, her eyes full of disappointment. My words didn't even confess to the sins that I have done, yet she knows. She pieced everything together in a matter of seconds.

"I can't believe you."

She mutters as she pulls her wrist away from me.

I stare at her as she runs out of our dorm.

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