♡︎𝓽ꫝ𝓲𝘳𝓽ꪗ ꪮꪀꫀ♡︎

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It is right after school had just ended. I am peacefully walking through the halls before getting pulled into a small closet. I furrow my eyebrows as I see Draco in front of me as we both stand inside the closet. He is leaning towards me with a glare. His arm is resting above my face as I glare back at him.

"What the fuck is your problem?"

I ask, anger seeping through my words.

"Did you have fun playing around with your boyfriend in front me?"

He spat as he glares at me.

I stay quiet, not knowing what to answer with.

"Was it fun playing around with me?"

Draco asks.

"I didn't play around with you. I just got bored of you."

I answer.

His eyes turn more vengeful as he processes my words.

"Bored, that's always your excuse isn't it?"

Draco sneers.

"What is that suppose to mean?"

I ask, slightly offended.

"You always claim that you leave because you get bored, but I know the real reason."

He says.

"You're afraid and scared, that's what you are. You leave when you get scared, you don't get bored."

He spat.

My face drops as I stare at him. His glare slightly tones down as he stares into my eyes. I shove him away from me as I walk out of the closet.

I rush through the hallways to my room. I let myself cry as I slam myself into my room.

"Carmen, what happened?"

Adelph asks with concern.

I sit on my bed as I light up a cigarette. She waits for my reply as I inhale and exhale. More tears drip down from my eyes as I toss the lighter onto a pillow.

"Don't cry, Carmen."

She says as she slides herself onto my bed.

She is sitting at the end of the bed as I sit on the upper side. She knows that something is wrong, she always does.

"Who says that I'm crying?"

I say as I push my tears away with my fingers.

"But you're-"

She says, but I cut her off.

"I'm not crying."

I reply sternly but calmly.

"Is this about..."

She begins but I shush her by holding out my hand.

"Don't even try."

I say as I exhale.

She's silent for a moment, just a moment before she starts talking again.

"Can't we just talk for a moment? I will listen, I promise."

She says, making me chuckle out.

"I'm here for you, Carmen."

She adds, making me look up at her.

Her body jerks for a moment as I coldly stare at her.

"You weren't there for me for the five months though, were you?"

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