♡︎𝓽ꫝ𝓲𝘳𝓽ꪗ 𝓽᭙ꪮ♡︎

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"We're back and everything is fine."

Cyrus announces as we walk into his room.

I uncomfortably sit in between Draco and Adelph on the bed. Adelph has her makeup all smudged while Draco has this sad look on him. I don't know why he looks like that though, but it makes me wonder.

"I'm sorry that I pushed it, Carmen."

Adelph says as she hiccups.

I stare at her as I uncomfortably wrap my arms around my chest. I don't know what to say. What should I even say?

"No worries, Adelph."

I say as I look away from her. I don't want to look at her in the face. I feel too guilty. She nods awkwardly as she also looks down.

"Um, I'm going to go now."

I say as I stand up.

I feel something being slipped into my pocket, but I don't feel like checking it just yet. I wave goodbye to everyone as I walk out, feeling his eyes on me the entire time.

As I walk towards my room, I dig through my pocket. I take out a silver key with a small note attached to it.

I'm giving you this because I like you, that's it. Come in anytime, or not, I don't really care.

It says, making me smile.

I did something bad, something really bad. I didn't hurt anyone, well, I only hurt myself. I regretted it the second I touched that razor. I knew that I shouldn't have stolen Cyrus's razor, yet I did it. I don't even know why I did it, perhaps it was a reality check, to see if all of this is real.

I stare at the faucet as I refuse to look at the slightly red water. I clutch my bleeding arm, my left one. My left one has always been my personal punching bag. It is midnight, so Adelph probably won't notice my move; she's a heavy sleeper.

I drain the tub water and dry myself. I place a towel around my injured arm as I slip into my pajamas. It feels so surreal, I don't know what's wrong with me. I grab the silver key to Draco's dorm room as I walk out of the bathroom.

I don't even remember the walk to his room; I was so out of it. Right now, I am standing in front of his room with his key in my hand. I hesitantly unlock it, quietly as possible.


I call out as I step inside the dark room.

A lamp turns on, causing my eyes to squint.


He asks as he sits up from his bed.

"What happened?"

He asks as his eyes panic.

I walk over towards his bed hesitantly. I don't even know why I came here.

"I did something bad, really bad."

I say as I look down to the ground.

Tears spill out of my eyes as I feel him gingerly clutch onto my left wrists, pulling my arm towards him. I cry silently with shame as he takes off the blood soaked towel.

"I don't know why I did it.. I really fucked up. Please don't get scared and leave... I know I fucked up."

I cry out in a panic, afraid that he will bail on me.

He stands up and reaches for the kit, the kit that he used on me the day I got into a fight with Pansy. He sits back down on the bed and begins to clean up my arm as I cry.

"I won't get scared and I won't leave."

He says as he wraps a long, white bandage around the cut.

I lift my eyes up, even though they are a little blurry. I sniffle my nose as he puts the kit away.

"Thank you, and I'm sorry that I interrupted your sleep."

I apologize, even though I sound desperate and weak.

"It's alright, Carmen."

He assures as he places his hand onto the back of my knee.

I place both of my knees onto the bed as I lower myself down onto the bed. He strokes my hair as I get under the covers. His bed is really soft and comfortable. It feels like I'm floating on clouds whenever I'm on it.

"Are you tired?"

He asks, his tone slightly more softer than his usual one.

I nod as I turn towards him.

"Let's sleep then, alright?"

He says as he brings me closer to him.

I nod as I clutch onto the sweatshirt that is on him. My forehead is kissed as he turns off the lamp. I close my eyes as I let my head rest against his chest. He wraps his arms around my neck area as he brings us closer. I close my eyes and relax as he runs his hand through my back of my hair.

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