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"He's looking at you."

Adelph says as she points to Draco who is sitting behind us.

I shrug as I continue to work on my potions project. I rest my chin on the palm of my hand as I finish up writing my paragraph.

"Hey, mudblood!"

Draco's seatmate, Goyle calls out to Adelph.

I whip my head around as I stare at Goyle, giving him a warning glare. I see Draco's amused stare that is directed towards me from the corner of my eye.

That is it, Draco found what catches Carmen's attention. He felt a wave of victory as he watches Carmen's attention on Goyle. He didn't care about the bad kind of attention, attention is attention.

"Why are you so mad, Carmen? We only called your friend a mudblood?"

He taunts.

Carmen snaps her eyes at him, giving him attention.

"Don't call her that, it's rude."

Carmen grits out.

"What? Mudblood?"

Draco taunts, pushing her limits.

"Hey, mudblood!"

Goyle continues to taunts, feeling encouraged by Draco.

"Can you guys stop being a dickhead for a second?"

Carmen asks.

She is beyond enraged but her tone is calm. It is bitter though, she pushes some force onto her words.


I exhale the nicotine as I sit against a weeping tree. I am near the black river, a calm and quiet place. I look at the castle as I hear the sound water sounds from the black lake. The castle is beautiful, more beautiful than I remembered. As my eyes are on the castle, I think. I think about my parents, the family of mine that is labeled as picture perfect. A kind mother, successful father, and the 'good looking' kids, everything is apparently picture perfect in the eyes of the outsiders.

Only if they knew.

The 'tea' that my mother is drinking is infused with fire whiskey, the friendly assistant of my dad's is actually his mistress, and the fun, good looking, smart children are actually far beyond sane. Everything that other people see is fake, all of it. My parents aren't in love, my dad doesn't even come home most nights. The children aren't happy and cheery, we only get like that because we drink like our mother. The family portrait that everybody compliments, oh, the family portrait. My mother took two hours to get ready since she washed away her makeup with her tears before the painter arrived. My brother who is smiling is actually forcing it, he knows about my father. My dad is only smiling because he spent the night with his mistress, while saying that it was he had to stay in his office to finish up some work.

What was the work, dad?

You don't get paid to fuck your assistant.

The infinite reasons of stemming away from Hogwarts is all rooted with family. Every single issue has the root with 'family' carved into it. Everything shitty in my life is because of family, yes, family. Family, the one who is suppose to support and give you love. I wonder who had engraved that idea of a family into our brains, because from what I can count, there are more fucked up families than the happy ones.

"You're in my spot."

I hear Draco sneer as he leans against the tree.

He is looking down at me as he stands. I don't bother to look up at him, I continue to stare at the castle.

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