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    Everything is wrapped around with chaos yet Carmen and Draco are the happiest as they ever were. They could die any minute, yet they felt the warmth inside of their chest explode every moment.

On most days they enjoy the warmth the sun provided through the cottage windows and how the wind that felt oh so soft swift by every minute or so. They both enjoy how the smell of chamomile tea and freshly baked goods wafted through the proximity. The world is in chaise yet they feel serene.

If you could ask them where they are, they might answer that they are in paradise, maybe even heaven.

Who would have thought they would feel serenity during the most messy time?

The months passed by quickly for the two. They ended up never attending Johwarts again, just in case.

They should be feeling worried and sad yet they are fulfilled and satisfied. They don't have much yet it feels as if they do; maybe it's because they have each other, because of the strong emotions that are labeled as love.

Carmen and Draco have been so wrapped up into each other that they began to talk about the future. They didn't want to marry so soon yet, but they did talk about it as if it would happen the next hour.

They enjoy each day with gratitude, because they plan to join the battle of Hogwarts. It's the least that they could do.

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