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"Sometimes, I wish I was you, Carmen."

Adelph says as we look out at the black lake.

We are both sitting on the stair steps that is on the path that leads to the shore of the lake. It is a Saturday morning in the middle of November. The miniature bottle of fire whiskey in my hand is almost gone and it is only 8 A.M.

"You don't want to end up like me."

I say before taking a sip from the bottle.

Adelph stares at me as I hold the almost empty bottle in my hand. She then stares at the boys that I recognize from the party a few weeks ago as they approach us. Adelph looks up and smiles at them as I continue to look out at the black lake.

One of the boys sat next to me, despite my cold stare. He has a blunt in his hand as he stares at me.

"Do you want to take the first hit, Carmen?"

He asks.


I say before he places the rolled up drug upon my lips.


I feel euphoric and I feel like all of my worries are stupid now. The boy who offered me the first hit is carrying me on his back as we twirl around. The laughter of the rest of the group erupts as we continue fool around near the lake.

"Carmen, get down from there."

I hear my brother sternly order from the top of the stairs.

I rub my eyes as I try my best to adjust my vision to them. Cyrus, Ezra, and a couple of his quidditch friends (including Draco), are standing a couple of feet away from us. They all are in their causal gear as some of the boys are carrying Cyrus's liquor.

"C'mon, don't be such a wanker."

The boy who is carrying me says with a chuckle.

"Put my sister down."

Cyrus orders.

"No, don't."

I say with a giggle.

"Carmen, stop that."

Cyrus says, striking a nerve.

I stare at Cyrus for a moment, then to his teammates. Some of the teammates flinch as I stare at them with emotionless eyes.

"You know what we should do?"

I whisper into the boy's ear.

He shakes his head with a smile.

"We should all go swimming, only with our underwears on."

I say I lock eye contact with Cyrus.

"Carmen, you're high, you will regret what ever you are planning on later."

Cyrus reasons as he and his friends continues to stand on the steps of the stairs, a couple of feet away from me.

"Guys, we're going to go skinny dipping!"

The guy who is carrying me says to the rest of our group.

"Adelph, don't."

Ezra warns from afar.

"Hey, Ezra, you can't tell Adelph what to do."

I say, slurring my speech a little.

"Not you too, Carmen. You're going to make Cyrus go mad"

Ezra says.

"He has always been mad."

I say with a giggle before hopping off of the guy's back.

I lift up my black dress smoothly, revealing my light grey bra and cheeky underwear set. Adelph hesitantly does the same before being pulled into the water by me. I throw my head back and laugh as I witness Cyrus's upper lip twitches. I continue to laugh as the guy who was carrying me earlier picks me up by my waist and sets me on his shoulder. My knees are bent as my ass is in the air, he twirls me around for a second.

"Put my sister down, now."

Cyrus orders, but we are all too high and drunk to care.

We all laugh as the guy throws me into the water. I breathe out under the water before popping my head back into the air. I am cross faded but I still managed to stay alive. I swim with my arms as everyone fools around in the background.

"Carmen, seriously, Cyrus looks like he is about to burst out in flames."

Ezra pleads, making me laugh even more.

"She is gone, she's too high right now, Cyrus."

Ezra says to Cyrus as Cyrus glares at Carmen and the couple of guys in the water.

"She will come to her senses soon, I think."

Ezra says as he, Draco, and Cyrus sits down on the steps.

The rest of the quidditch team boys are staring out at the water as Carmen laughs and plays. Draco looks down to the stone steps as a miniature bottle of fire whiskey comes into his vision. Flashbacks from the night of Pansy's slumber party rushes back into his brain as he hears Carmen's crossfaded giggles.

"I have to lock up my cabinet from now on."

Cyrus says as he points at the fire whiskey bottle that Draco is staring at.

Cyrus and Draco chuckle a bit, finding some light in this situation.

"Erm... Cyrus, Carmen is laying on the ground."

Ezra points out.

Draco and Cyrus stands up from their seat in unison. Carmen is lying on her back, her eyes closed. Her lower half of her body is still in water as her torso is against the dirt. Draco's heart stops for a moment, he can't tell if she is sleeping or dead. Draco runs out to Carmen, Cyrus follows after.

"Are you alive, Carmen?"

Draco says as squats down.

Carmen's eyes flutter for a second before she sits up. She coughs before spitting out some water from her mouth. She wisps the hair away from her face as she stares at the black lake where every body else is having fun.


Cyrus says as he too, squats down besides Draco.

"I'm fine."

Carmen says. Her voice returning to her usual calm tone.

Carmen gets up and brushes away the debree from her body before slipping on her dress again. She stumbles, causing Cyrus to stand up to help her.

"I'm fine."

She says again before walking away.

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