♡︎ᠻꪮ𝘳𝓽ꪗ 𝘴ꫀꪜꫀꪀ♡︎

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Sexual scenes.
(Degrading; you may not like this chapter if you don't like being called a slut<3).

I look out the window as I wait for Draco to come back. It has been almost a month now since we got back together. I have moved back into his room, allowing Ezra to move into Adelph and I's room. I have noticed that Draco has gotten night terrors since the last time we sleep together.
Every day we live in fear, scared of what could come in between us.

"How did it go?"

I ask as Draco walks in, looking frustrated.

He loosens his tie as he clenches his jaw. I am sitting on the bed with my legs crossed.

"Fucking horrible, that stupid cabinet is impossible to fix."

He spat as he throws his tie to the ground.

I bite my bottom lip as I extend my foot towards him. I gently kick his torso, causing his hand to snap at my foot, grabbing it.

"You don't want to piss me off right now, sweetheart."

He says bitterly.

I should be listening to him, but I feel turned on whenever he's mad. I know I shouldn't be, but I can't help it.

"I'm not trying to piss you off, sweetheart."

I say, mocking the nickname.

He roughly grabs my jaw, pushing my upper body against the bed. He is in between my legs as I wrap my legs around his hips.

"Do you think that this is funny?"

He sneers.

I giggle, finding it funny how easy it is to drive him off of the edge. His thumb moves towards my bottom lip as his eyes grow dark. I look up at him as I gently bite his thumb.

"Do you want me to fuck you like a slut? Is that why you're acting like this?"

Draco asks.

I don't reply, I only smile. He pushes his hips towards me, creating friction. I push my head against the bed as my back arches.

"Fine, I will show you how I fuck sluts."

He spat as he unbuttons my blouse.

He takes off my top and bra quickly, making me feel the cool air against my skin. His eyes are dark as he hovers over me. He takes off my skirt, throwing it towards the ground. He quickly unbuttons his top, leaving himself half naked. He takes off his belt, but he doesn't toss it away. He wraps the belt around his hand, as if he is about to use it later.

I move myself towards the bed frame as he stalks over to me, walking on the bed with his knees.

"Hold out your hands."

He says, and I listen to him.

He bounds my hands together with his belt before tying it against the cup board. My arms are over my head.

"You're already soaking through your underwear."

He says as rubs me through the thin fabric.

His hand travels up to my neck as he rips off my underwear, leaving me bare. He kisses the crook of my neck, nipping it a couple of times to leave marks.

"You make me go mad."

He mutter against my neck as he pushes his finger inside of me.

"Wai- fuck, Draco."

I moan out as he adds another finger.

My eyes close as he builds a pace. His thumb is brushing up against my clit, making me flinch with shock and pleasure. I am speechless as he quickly brings me towards climax.

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