♡︎ᠻ𝓲ᠻ𝓽ꪗ ꪮꪀꫀ♡︎

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Draco and I close our eyes as we transport to the battle grounds. We both know that this could be the worst decision of our lives but I just know that we would be questioning ourselves with dreadfulness if we did not come.

The second we arrive, the first thing that I notice is the smell. The smell of fire. It smells like explosions and mass fires. People are screaming with anger and pain.

Draco and I watch for second with shock before gaining full control of our bodies.

"Watch out!"

Draco yells before yanking me by the arm, away from a death eater. He points his wand at the death eater, causing him to fall down.

We both run through the place that was once a beautiful campus. We both help out the other side, the side that exposes us as traitors to the dark side.

A group of death eaters recognize us. They charge towards us with anger seeping through their blood. There are atleast a dozen of them. We both run away from them, hitting them with curses and spells as we avoid theirs.

We rush through the broken roofs and halls, trying to throw them off but it looks like they are only growing more in number. We don't care where we go, we are just trying to get away from them.

My heart is pounding as I clutch onto his hand. We are rushing with fear. We end up at a dead end, a cliff that is fatal. My heart drops as I stop myself from taking a step into the deep end of rocks and rumble.

I look down to the rumbles of stone. My hair moves against the wind as I look to my side, Draco. I don't panic, I smile. We both don't want to die but we can't control that, can we?

"Do you want to die, Draco?"

I ask, causing his hand that is holding mine to grip tighter.

He shakes his head as we look at each other in the eyes.

"I'm sorry for causing this. You would have been safer if you never followed me."

Draco says as tears build up in his eyes.

"Don't say that, Draco. It was my decision to follow you, and it's a decision that I will never regret."

I say as I step closer to him. I begin to hear commotion coming closer.

"I love you, Carmen. I'm sorry that we could not get married like how you wanted to."

He says as he cups the side of my face.

"It's okay as long if I am with you."

I say against his lips.

We kiss for a longing second before opening our eyes again. There is no way out. We will get killed, no matter how hard we try.

Tears are streaming down our faces as we stare at each other. My hands are shaky as I bring them up to his face. He snakes his arms around my waist, holding me.

"Till death do us apart?"

He whispers.

"Till death do us apart."

I say.

Draco and Carmen both fall off of the cliff. Draco continues to hold her against him by the waist as she holds him by the face. They both are too young to die; they both don't want to die, yet they both feel as though this was the best decision. Every step leading up to this moment were filled with no regrets. They both regret nothing.

When they finally land upon the cold ground, the death eaters look down from the cliff. Some of them begin to feel sorrow as they witness the two young lovers body. Romeo and Juliet, they all are reminded of. But Draco and Carmen were no Romeo and Juliet, they were their own story; they were simply, Carmen and Draco.

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