♡︎𝓽ꫝ𝓲𝘳𝓽ꪗ 𝘴𝓲᥊♡︎

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   I let my head down and laugh as Cyrus and Ezra jokes around. It is dinner time, abruptly a few hours after the thigh gripping incident. I couldn't tease Draco after that class since he had quidditch practice, sadly.

"How did practice go?"

Adelph asks everyone.

Everyone except Adelph and I play quidditch.

"It went well."

Blaise says before stuffing his face with dinner.

Ezra is sitting on one of my side, next to me as Adelph is sitting across from him. The right seat next to me is occupied with my book bag. Next to Adelph is Cyrus, and next to Cyrus is Blaise. Cyrus is in front of me while Blaise is in front of the empty seat.

My eyes skim around the dining hall, trying to spot the slytherin blond. I try to not make it obvious, I don't want to look like a lost puppy. I stare at the dining hall door, waiting for him to bust in with his usual attitude.

".. Malfoy was extremely aggressive today."

I hear Ezra say with a chuckle, causing my eyes to snap to him.

I don't say a word, I just listen. Cyrus, Blaise, and Ezra begin to converse about how Draco got into a fight with the ravenclaw team. We all thought that it wasn't out of the norm, yet I feel like he had to have a reason. He usually doesn't let people get to him to that extreme without a proper reason.

"What about me?"

I hear Draco say as he lifts my bag to claim his seat.

"We were just talking about that fight you got into with Carneigh."

Cyrus says with a chuckle.

I stare at the table where Draco's hands are placed. His knuckles are bruised and slightly cut, making me wonder if his rings were bloody before he cleaned himself up.

"Why did you get into that quarrel anyways?"

Blaise asks.

We all stare at Draco as we all wait for an answer. Draco just looks down to his plate before fixing himself some dinner.

"He pissed me off."

Is all what he replied with before he began to eat.


"Does your hands hurt?"

I ask as I lie on his bed on my side. He is lying in front of me with a book in his hands as I observe him. He puts his book down before pulling me closer to him by my hips. I sheepishly smile at him as he cups my upper neck/ lower jaw with his two hands. His thumb caresses my bottom lip as he shakes his head for an answer.

"Your teasing was torturous."

He says against my lips before attacking it.

"I did not mean to make it torturous."

I say as he inches away.

He goes on top of me, making me feel small underneath him. He lifts up my dress as he kisses and nips the skin on my neck, leaving a trail of marks.

"Yes you did."

He says against my neck as one of his hand moves down to my exposed lower body.

My body jerks when his cold finger hooks around my underwear. He smiles against my neck and continues to kiss down towards my still clothed upper torso as he places my lace fabric into his pocket.

"Your panties are so drenched."

He says as he begins to rub my sensitive bud.

I close my eyes and arch my back as he flicks the perfect spot. His other hand is gripping my hip, to steady me as he builds up a pace. I open my eyes again when he taps on my bottom lip with the tip of his finger. In his fingers, he is clutching onto my dress, lifting it up high enough to show my breasts. I stare at him as I hold up my dress with my mouth, exposing myself. I try to steady my breathing as I unzip and pull down his pants.

I tap on his bottom lip as I hold out my hand in front of him. He spits into my hand as he stares me. His finger that is flicking my sensitive nerves adds pressure, causing my hand to be unsteady as I wrap it around his length. He seethes his teeth as I move my hand up and down. I don't stop with my hand when Draco begins to go faster on me.

I moan into the fabric of my dress that I am biting on as I close my eyes. His lips attack mine as we both bring euphoria to each other. We both inch closer to our peak as we both moan into each others mouth.

Draco moves upwards right before he climaxes. White liquid shoots all over my exposed breasts. His finger only goes faster as my legs begin to twitch. My breathing become heavy as my body begins to shake. I push my head against the mattress, exposing my chest to him more. My loud moans are muffled as I finally reach my peak.

Draco puts the coated finger into his mouth before placing both of his hands on each sides of my dress. My mouth lets go of the dress as he takes it off. I open my eyes and look down to my chest that is covered in him as it slowly coats over my nipples. He tosses my dress away in a laundry basket across the room before picking me up by the back of my knees and chest.

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