Sonic To The Rescue

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Chris and Penny's parents called them the night after they rescued Sonic, and the two siblings had to be careful of what they said about the hedgehog from last night. It was Penny's turn to talk to their mom. She's an actress, so she's away a lot. Penny missed her. It wasn't really the same talking to her on the phone, but it is nice hearing her voice, even if she could get a little obnoxious about her love.

"Oh, this picture has been a disaster, darling." she was saying. "A complete disaster. We've had to stop shooting because there's been torrential rain for days! So there's nothing I can do but sit there and wait. I don't think I'll be back until next week at the earliest, but I've had plenty of time to go shopping, and I'm having lots of wonderful presents being sent. There's enough for you and Chris. I hope you like them. They're coming on Daddy's jet, so you both should have them tonight."

Penny blushed. "Thanks, Mom." She covered the speaker part of the phone and turned to Chris. "Mom's sending us some gifts. They'll arrive tonight." The girl gave him a small smile.

"I know." He smiled. "I heard. How is she?"

"She's good." Penny smiled. She went back to her conversation. "Thanks, Mom!"

A thought occurred to the girl. Should I tell her about last night?

Penny took a deep breath. "Mom? There's something I need to tell you. Well, there was something I did that I wasn't supposed to do."

"Penelope, what happened?" Mom asked, a hint of worry in her voice. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm totally fine! But remember how you said I'm not allowed to swim at night, and how you wanted me to stay away from the adult pool?"

"Did you go swimming in the adult pool by yourself?!" Mom sounded shocked.

As they were talking, the Thorndyke's butler Mr. Tanaka entered, holding a plate of snacks. Penny looked up and nodded a thank you as she answered. "Uh, not exactly. You see, there was this cat in the pool, and I pulled him out!" Penny looked up at Sonic, who was giving the girl a wry expression. She blushed and turned away.

"Oh, you have a big heart, just like I do!" Mom said. "Next time, ring for Mr. Tanaka, and he will take care of it, all right?" She asked.

Penny blushed.

"Oh, darling, mommy needs to run off now. Kiss mommy goodbye!" Mrs. Thorndyke said on the other end. Penny blushed even more as she air-kissed her. It was kind of embarrassing to be doing that in front of the boys. Chris chuckled at her expression.

"Chao, sweetheart. It was great hearing from you and Chris again." She hung up.

Sonic hopped down on the fence of the porch and glared at Penny. "Take a long good look. I'm not a cat, I'm a hedgehog." He said, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Uh..." Penny muttered sheepishly, not knowing what to say to him.

"T-that was just a code word! Mom wouldn't understand." Chris said, defending his older sister. Penny smiled gratefully at Chris, who smiled back.

"Why wouldn't she?" Sonic asked.

"Well, first of all, Mom knows that Penny wouldn't risk herself by jumping in the pool in the middle of the night to save a hedgehog," Chris added.

"Really?" Sonic hummed.

Penny nodded. "What else could I say to her? I couldn't tell her that her precious baby girl saved a blue talking hedgehog! She would flip out completely!"

Sonic X: Penny's Tale: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now