Project Shadow

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It had been a few days since the battle against Chaos, and Sonic had been kept busy over the last few days helping the search team look for people who possibly got lost during the flood. Sonic sped off the roof, looking for anyone who needed help. Hearing crying, Sonic sped to a stop and looked around. "Hey!" He cried.

The crying continued. It seemed to be coming from a nearby shop. "In there!" Sonic frowned.


At the Thorndyke house, Mrs. Thorndyke sighed as she looked at the ruined furniture. "Oh, dear!" She said. "All my lovely furniture... ruined!"


At school, Mr. Stewart yelled over the noise of a helicopter. "Okay, class, are you ready to help move the rest of the rescue supplies to the cafeteria?"

"Yeah!" The students cheered excitedly.

The door to the helicopter opened, and there was Dad, smiling down at them. "Hey, Chris! Penny!" He called.

"Dad!" Chris smiled as he ran up to their dad. Penny followed. "What are you doing here?!" she asked.

"I thought I'd drop in and see how you're doing!"

"I'm fine," Penny said, feeling a bit embarrassed. 

"Yeah," Chris pipped up. "I'm fine, too!"


Soon, they had all finished their work, and they all looked around. The cafeteria was full of people who were all battered up from the flood. Penny huffed as she dropped off a box of rescue supplies. "These boxes are heavy..." Penny moaned. She wiped her forehead in exhaustion.

"I need to take a break!" Francis said in agreement.

"That's okay," Danny said. "Why don't you go play with Penny and let me and Chris finish the unloading?"

"Us girls can lift as much as you!" Francis glared at Danny, however, this caused Penny to laugh. Then their attention turned over to a couple who were asking an officer about their lost son. Soon, Sonic sped up to them holding their kid in his arms.

"This your kid?" Sonic asked. The little boy looked up and his eyes widened with excitement. "Mom!" He cried.

"Jim!" His mom cried. "You're safe!" She grasped him in her arms and held her tight.

"Sonic, thanks a lot!" Jim's dad smiled. Jim's mom looked at Sonic. "You're wonderful!"

Sonic chuckled sheepishly, rubbing his head.


"When I ran for this job, I thought I'd be tackling the world's problems head-on!" The president complained as he signed some paperwork. "Instead I'm the most powerful paper pusher in the world." He stared at the news, where Sonic and Silver in their super forms were displayed on the screen. "I wish just once I could do something heroic, like Sonic and Silver."

"Here's the bill declaring Station Square to be a disaster area." His attendant said, holding him a piece of paper. The President sighed. "Oh, well. I suppose somebody has to sign this stuff."

"And this is executive order 1 1 3 7-8." The attendant said, handing the president another piece of paper to sign. He sighed. "To refresh my memory..."

The attendant sighed. "A new series of robots will be built will be specially designed to combat training."

The President thought for a moment, then signed the contract. "Good idea!" He said. He looked at the attendant. "Am I done now?"

Sonic X: Penny's Tale: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now