Fast Friends

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It was 3:00 in the morning. Everyone at the Thorndyke mansion were all snoozing after their cruise, snoozing the night away. Sonic was sleeping right outside Penny's bedroom, and Penny was snuggling in her bed, holding one of her favorite stuffed animals close to her.

While they were snoozing, a familiar engine was heard roaring down the street, and soon parked into the driveway of the Thorndyke house.

The rumbling caused the girl to wake up like a shot. "WHAT'S THAT?!" Penny yelled, clinging to her stuffed animal tightly.

Ella and Mr. Tanaka gave battle cries and rushed at the stranger, still in their pajamas. Whoever came to visit them so early stopped their attack with their hands and boots. "Hey, take it easy! It's me!"

Chuck walked right up, frowning at Sam. "Blast it, Sam!" He said in annoyance. "Don't you have any idea what time it is?"

"Sure I do!" Sam shot Chuck a thumbs up. "It's morning!"

"It's 3:00 A.M.!" Chuck said.

"So, it's a little early."

"You're lucky I held myself back!" Ella scolded. "I was about to batter you like a chicken cutlet." She yawned and started moving back into the house. "I'm going back to bed." Tanaka agreed and began to follow Ella back into the house.

"I hope you didn't wake the neighbors," Chuck said to Sam. He looked up in surprise to see a whole crowd of people watching the scenery from behind a row of bushes.

"Nice, they're all up." Chuck frowned. He looked up in surprise to see a helicopter-no, two- flying overhead.

Rubbing her eyes sleepily, Penny walked groggily over to Sonic, her reddish-brown hair seriously tangled and messy. Sonic snickered at the girl's condition, but Penny didn't hear him. She just looked out. "What's going on?" Penny mumbled, holding her stuffed doll in her other arm. When the girl's vision cleared, Penny looked down in surprise to see a crowd of people, along with police cars, right outside on their driveway.

"Where did all these people come from?" Penny asked Sonic in confusion.

"I don't know." The blue hedgehog answered. "Looks like they're all lined up for a parade!"

"Hey, Sam," Chuck said. "Isn't that a new car?"

Sam smiled proudly. "I'm here to challenge Sonic to a road race!"

"A race?!" Sonic and Penny asked at the same time.

"Hold on!" Chuck said. "This isn't a rocket engine."

"That's the SS3 Super Rocket engine," Sam explained. "It was designed by top engineers at the Office of Science and Technology. Over a billion dollars went into its development." He looked over to Sonic, who was watching with confusion and surprise. "Sonic, I'm gonna prove once and for all that I'm the fastest guy on the planet!" He yelled, pointing at the blue hedgehog.

"Oh, boy..." Penny yawned. This could get interesting!

"Sonic, are you going to race against my uncle Sam?" Penny asked her blue best friend as he got back into his sleeping position. He thought about that for a while. "No way!" He answered, and hopped off. Penny followed him. From below, she could hear Sam yelling, "HEY WAIT! YOU KNOW, FOR A HEDGEHOG, YOU ARE QUITE SPINELESS!"

Penny ran after Sonic as he made his way to the attic. Tails, Silver, and Cloud were still snoozing... Penny was surprised that they slept through the noise. Sonic settled himself on a chair, getting himself comfortable, while Penny on the other hand, was still pretty tired. She rubbed her eyes as she stared at the blue hedgehog. Penny was going to whisper another question, when Uncle Sam slammed the opening to the attic up, yelling, "HEY SONIC, WE HAVE A RACE."

Sonic X: Penny's Tale: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now