Sonic's Big Break

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In his prison cell over at Prison Island, he was carefully watched by all forces.

"Sonic's in the underwater isolation cell. It's impossible to escape from there and even if he could, where's he gonna go once he breaks out? Prison Island is surrounded by the sea. There's no land for miles and everybody knows Sonic ain't no swimmer. We got guards keeping a lookout in the towers twenty-four hours a day. And the laser alarms will go off the second they detect the slightest movement! The entire prison is wired with surveillance cameras, metal detectors, and sound monitors. Not even a fly could escape from here!"

The advance guard laughed as he watched Sonic relax in his prison cell. "This place was built to hold the toughest crooks in the world! But in all the years that Prison Island has been in business, there hasn't been one single solitary breakout. Hope Sonic likes it here, and Silver eventually, 'cuz they won't be leaving!" And with that, the guard laughed victoriously. "Don't think of pulling any funny stunts while I'm on duty!" He exclaimed, pointing at a picture of Sonic on the computers. "'Cuz I got my eye on you, Sonic!" And he laughed.

One of the guards looked at his commander. "I am sure those two hedgehogs are innocent, but there's nothing I can do to help them!"


Sonic smirked to himself as he relaxed. "Oh, well. If I can't get out of here, I might as well kick back and relax, and wait for Silver."


Soon, Penny and Mr. Tanaka made it towards Prison Island.

"We're still quite from Prison Island." Mr. Tanaka said as they stopped in the middle of the ocean. "We can't take this boat any closer, because of their radar. Their security systems are so advanced, they would spot us long before we ever reach the coast! And if they do detect us, they will send out armed boats to intercept and arrest us."

"So, what are we gonna do?" Penny asked curiously.

Mr. Tanaka looked at her. "Luckily, I have thought of a way to thwart their system." He looked towards the island. "Their system is high tech, so we will fool it by using my low-tech solution."

Soon, Mr. Tanaka popped a duck-shaped paddle boat in the water. Mr. Tanaka smiled proudly. "They will be looking for motorboats, but this paddle boat will let us duck another radar!" He joked.

"Mmm..." Penny hummed thoughtfully.


Soon, the young girl found herself peddling as hard as she could. She felt her cheeks burn a bit from both exhaustion and embarrassment. "I don't know about this, Mr. Tanaka." She said. "I feel kinda goofy." "Man, if Sonic saw this, he wouldn't stop teasing me about it for days!" She thought.

"We can make it!" Mr. Tanaka said, not really paying any mind to what the girl was saying. "We just have to peddle faster!"

Penny yelped as she felt the boat tip upward, and through the wind she heard her butler's crazy yell as they peddled as fast as they could to Prison Island.


Soon, Eggman snuck onto Prison Island. He sat back and relaxed for a bit. "I wonder if I'm pushing my luck a bit breaking into this place a second time." He said to himself.

"Perhaps. The security guard on the island has been upgraded since your last attack." Decoe informed the doctor on the screen. "You must be careful. When they restore communications, they will send robots to stop your team!"

"Their robotic designs are completely improved!" Bocoe added. "It will almost be IMPOSSIBLE to enter their compound again!"

"Well nothing is going to stop me from breaking in and taking those Chaos Emeralds!" Eggman swore. "Shadow said I need to obtain all seven Emeralds in order to operate the Eclipse Cannon."

Sonic X: Penny's Tale: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now