Party Hardly

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It was time for Chris and Penny to go to school. The siblings looked down at Cream and Cheese to give them instructions.

"Remember Cream, you too, Cheese. Stay inside while we're gone, ok?" Chris asked the two.

"Okay!" Cream smiled.

Cheese smiled with his own reply. "Chao chao!"

Chris and Penny waved goodbye, and walked out the door.

Cream sighed. She hated it when Penny left the little girl alone whenever she went somewhere. "I don't wanna stay inside, I wanna go outside and play!" She sighed. "I really wish Penny could stay and play with me and Cheese..." 

The little girl rabbit opened the door to the balcony, walking up to the fence of it and peering down at the beds of flowers below. 

She and Cheese smiled. 


In Chuck's workhouse, Amy was smiling at Sonic, who was taking a nap. Silver and Blaze were studying the Chaos Emerald in the experiment safe, Cloud was reading a book, and Tails was standing by the window. Suddenly, he heard laughing outside. Tails looked out.

"That sounds like Cream and Cheese outside!" Amy said. She walked toward the window. Blaze followed. They soon joined Tails and looked down.

They were right... Cream and Cheese were out there, gathering flowers.

"What's she doing? Cream and Cheese knows they're supposed to stay inside while Chris and Penny are at school!" Blaze said, crossing her arms.

"I wonder what she's doing out there, guys!" Tails said curiously. 

Amy gasped. "I bet Cream's out there picking up some flowers!"

Sonic opened his eyes.

"She knows we're supposed to stay inside while Chris and Penny are at school!" Tails frowned.

"That's what I said!" Blaze flicked her tail in annoyance, that Tails had repeated what she just said.

"What's so important about her and picking flowers?" Tails wondered. He thought for a moment and his eyes widened at a memory from back at their home planet...

Cream was outside gathering flowers. Tails walked over, confused. "Hey Cream, what are you doing?"

Cream looked at him, a smile beaming on her face. "I'm gonna pick these flowers for Mom and surprise her with a crown of flowers!"

Tails sighed sadly. "I bet she misses her mom."

"Of course she does." Amy looked down sadly at Cream, who was happily gathering flowers. "I just wish... we could cheer her up."

"I agree," Blaze said sadly. 

Sonic looked at them, and looked at a poster on the wall. The poster shown a lake with flowers surrounding it. The hedgehog smirked. If he could find these flowers, pick up a bouquet of them for her, he could make her feel better right away!

Sonic snatched the poster, and dashed out the door, causing the rest of the mobians to look up.

"Sonic?" Amy asked.


Chris and Penny nervously looked at the burnt food in front of them. It was great to have Mom back, but her cooking... well, let's just say that Penny prefers Ella's cooking more than her mom's.

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