Little Chao Lost

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"Let's see," Penny said as they all stood near the station. And when Penny means all, she meant her, Chris, Blaze, Amy, Tails, Cream, Cheese, Silver, and Cloud were waiting for the bus to arrive. Oh, and Mr. Stewart was there as well. Chris and Penny were all surprised that he wanted to come along to the camping trip. Oh, and their other friends Danny and Francis were there as well. Penny smiled, thankful to have a human friend by her side this time.

"It says the town's located deep within the mountains. I guess we'll have to transfer here." Chris said. "It should take another hour," 

"Another HOUR?!?" Penny complained. "Why??"

"What?!" Blaze asked, almost as surprised as Penny was. "How far do we have to go?"

"It's not that far, Blaze." Danny smiled down at the purple Princess cat. "Why not think of this as part of the adventure?"

Blaze seemed to think about this, but Amy frowned. "Camping is not my idea of an adventure." She said. Francis moved up to Amy and smiled. "Oh, we're going to have lots of fun! I promise!"

"All right." Amy smiled. "If you say so,"

Tails chuckled. "Hey, Penny, so you know a good place to set camp when we get there?" He asked Penny. The girl smiled back at him.

"I hear there's a great place right near the river north of here!" Penny smiled. "It's nice and peaceful, and great for fishing too!"

"That sounds like a great spot!" Cream smiled.

"Fishing sounds fun."  Cloud smiled, crossing his arms. "Hey, Silver," He asked, turning to the ivory hedgehog. "What are you looking forward to doing?"

Silver shrugged as he kicked a pebble. "No clue. Possibly just relaxing." He turned to the girl. "How about you, Penny?"

"I would sure like to explore with Blaze." Penny smiled, putting an arm around  her friends. Blaze smiled.

Cream turned over to Cheese. "And maybe you and I can go for a swim, Cheese!"

Cheese smiled back at Cream, and chaos in response.

Penny turned over to Mr. Stewart, who was studying the sign. Penny smiled as she heard their teacher say, "Ah, the bus service to the Hot Springs village!" He mumbled something to his wristwatch, and she watched him curiously. Suddenly, he whipped up an orange flag and smiled at Penny and the others. "All right, students! Line up! The bus will be here any minute now!" He started blowing his whistle.

"Mr. Stewart sure sounds excited!" Danny smiled.

"I'll say," Penny said, looking a bit embarrassed by how their teacher was acting.

"Hey, Francis." Penny heard Tails ask the red-headed girl. "How come Mr. Stewart is coming along? Won't this trip be a lot more fun if it was just us kids?"

"Don't know." Francis said. "Maybe he just wants to have fun too."

"All I can say is that this whole camping thing better be fun, or they're gonna hear it from me," Amy said.

Penny realized something was missing. More like, someone. "Hey, where's Sonic anyway?"

"Sonic's not much for camping. He says he's going to explore the city. He's on his way there now!"

Penny sighed. That was Sonic for you. She brightened up a little. Anyway, this was her first camping trip with the Mobians from another world! This was going to be the best trip yet! And Penny was going to make it the best.

Soon, they were all on the train together. Silver and Penny sat down next to each other, and Penny took out a book while Silver soon got bored and drifted off to sleep. Penny was about to doze off as well when she heard Cream say, "Look at that!"

Sonic X: Penny's Tale: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now