Countdown to Chaos

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"Good morning, children. Come on, it's time to play!" Helen smiled as she imitated a TV star using a sock puppet. Francis smiled. "Look everyone, it's my favorite TV star!" She, Helen, and Danny burst out laughing.

Francis noticed a dark shadow covering them. She looked up and gasped. "It's him!" She said, and Danny exclaimed, "It's Dr. Eggman!"

"He's back again!" Helen said.

"What's he up to?" Danny asked.

"Whatever it is, it's not good," Francis said.

Something blue and speedy zoomed right past them, and everyone yelped at the wind that suddenly whipped at them.

"That was Sonic!" Francis said.

Sonic ran as fast as he could after Eggman's ship.

"Dr. Eggman, Sonic is following us!" Decoe announced. They had finished strapping Penny to the wall. Her eyes widened with fear when she saw Sonic. "Sonic, hurry!" She yelped, struggling against the restraints.

"He is gaining on us!" Becoe said.

"Who cares about him?" Eggman sneered. "Especially when the seventh Chaos Emerald is waiting for me."


Lucky beeped proudly to himself as he held the shimmering emerald in his hands. All he had to do was wait for Eggman to collect him and the emerald... and not drop it in the process!


"Eggman's ship is making its way towards Station Square, sir!" An aide told the President.

"What measures are taken?" The president asked worriedly. "A total evacuation?"

"Yes, Mr. President." A woman said. "While we're not exactly sure where Eggman is headed, we have begun the evacuation of the entire southern region. Everything is under control."

The President sighed. "I've been dreading something like this." He sighed. "But now that the time has come, I just hope we're ready for him."

"Thank you." Another man said, finishing an important call. "Mr. President, sir. We just received word from the field. The Beetles are being put into place."

"Well, it won't be long now." The President said. "We'll all have to wait and see. There's nothing more any of us can do. Nothing but hope for the best and prepare for the worst."


The X Tornado shot across the sky. Its passengers this time was Tails, (of course,) and Chuck was sitting behind him. Amy was behind Chuck, and Cream was sitting behind Amy with a worried look on her face. Blaze and Silver were flying on the wings of the X Tornado, ready to assist Sonic.

"Just keep her steady," Chuck said. "He can't be far. Just give it a bit more and let's go get 'em, Tails!"

They shot off after Eggman.


"Topaz, it's gorgeous!" Rouge smiled as she looked at her new jewel in her hands.

"It's ok..." Topaz said uneasily.

"I-I just don't know what to say."

"If you don't like it, I can have it back, Rouge." Topaz offered. "I don't know anything about jewelry, so I asked a sales clerk and she helped me pick it out."

Sonic X: Penny's Tale: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now