The Dam Scam

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Penny smiled as she glanced at the view of the savanna in front of them. A few days ago, Sonic had promised the girl that the next time they had an adventure, it would be him, Penny, Silver, and Tails, and she was really happy to finally spend some time with her three favorite Mobians.

"This place is amazing!" Tails smiled happily as he flew over the green plains. "All the wildlife is very wild! Let's land and get a closer look!"

Sonic smirked.

"Why not?" Silver smiled. "I've been curious about this place."

Penny suddenly screamed, causing Tails to jump. "TAILS! CHECK THE RADAR! MAYDAY!"

They looked up. Eggman was right above them. The genius smirked right down at them. "We caught them by surprise! Quick, FIRE AT THEM NOW!"

"Yes, sir." The robots saluted.

Penny shrieked as they fired, but luckily with Tails's skilled pilot flying, he was able to dodge the missiles.

"What are you two going to do, Sonic and Silver?" Penny asked nervously. Sonic shot me a cocky grin and Silver gave me a reassuring smile. "You'll see!" Sonic smiled before Silver said anything. Silver shrugged and caught one of the rings that shot out of the cockpit, and Sonic did the same.

Sonic and Silver, now full of power from the rings, dashed towards Eggman's ship.

"No, no!" The robots panicked.

"QUICK, FIRE!" Eggman roared.

"Too late!" The robots exclaimed.

Sonic and Silver smashed into Eggman's ship, causing it to explode.

"We're gonna crash!" Eggman roared.

"All right!" Penny smiled, pumping her fist in victory as she watched Eggman's ship fall.

"You didn't doubt Sonic and Silver, did you, Penny?" Tails asked the girl teasingly.

"What?!" Penny said, shocked. "No, not at all!"

Tails laughed. "Just teasing!" He turned his ship around. "Let's help them! Hang on!"

Penny nodded.

Tails flew the X Tornado to pick up Sonic and Silver, but a explosion rattled the ship, causing it to move off course.

"The wind!" Tails cried.

"Look out!" Penny panicked.

The X Tornado crashed onto the ground, and everything around her went black.


Penny groaned in pain, as she shook herself awake. When she opened her eyes, the girl saw Sonic looking at her with worry in his eyes, kneeling down in front of her with his hand on her shoulder. A first aid kit was by his side.

"Are you alright?" He asked. Penny moaned in pain and felt her head, feeling bandages. "What happened...?" She asked, trying to sit up. Sonic leaned down and helped the girl sit up against a tree.

"We were attacked by Eggman, remember?" He asked. "You got hit in the head by a piece of metal from the Tornado, blacking you out. You were pretty banged up when I pulled you out."

"Oh...." Penny looked around. The X Tornado was seen a small distance away, with Tails fixing it, and Silver standing besides him, helping him out.

Sonic X: Penny's Tale: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now