Satellite Swindle

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 Blaze, Tails, Chris, and Penny watched happily at Cream and Cheese as they watched one of their favorite TV shows. Almost everyone was doing something that day. Sonic was on his usual spot on the roof, sleeping, Mr. Tanaka was mowing the lawn, and Amy and Ella were in the kitchen, baking a snack. And Grandpa... He was probably studying the Chaos Emerald with Silver. Penny have no idea what Knuckles and Cloud were up to, though.

The figure on the TV spoke, "You know what I like to do best, boys and girls? I like to dance. Dancing is a lot of fun, and it's good exercise too! Hey, I got an idea! Why don't you dance with me?"

Cream and Cheese happily danced along with the character on the TV. "That's it, looking good!"

Ella soon came in with Amy, holding two apple pies. "Snack time, every one!" She smiled happily. They all gasped happily as Amy and Ella put the pies in front of them. "Here we go!" Ella smiled.

"Ella showed me how to make homemade apple pie!" Amy smiled brightly.

"I think our little Amy has quite a knack for baking! I just might be out of a job soon!"

"Wow, Amy, they look really good!" Blaze smiled, looking hungrily at the pies in front of them. Penny nodded. "Though I prefer Pumpkin pie." She said, winking teasingly at Ella.

"I'll be sure to make Pumpkin pie next time, honey." Ella promised smiling.

Penny brightened. "Hey, we should save some for the rest of the team! Sonic, especially!"

"Hey, that's a good idea!" Amy smiled at Penny. She then looked up at Ella. "Hey, Ella, maybe Sonic will like some pie!"

Penny jumped up. "Great idea, Amy! I'll go and get him a plate! Oh, and don't forget to save some for Silver and Cloud!" The girl grinned.

Amy frowned at Penny. "N-O, Penny! He'll have the whole pie I made, and I will bring it to him!" She snarled angrily at her.

Tails was looking so hungry, he was making a dive for the one Amy made. Amy growled at him. "No, you don't, that pie's for Sonic!"

Penny frowned at her. What was up with Amy lately?

Amy grasped the pie away from Tails. Unfortunately, Tails was grasping to the plate of the pie, and Amy swung him into the air, and he landed on the TV, breaking it.

Cream and Cheeses started bawling. "Tails, you broke our TV!"

"I'm sorry." Tails said.

"That was our favorite program!" Cream cried.

Penny smiled lovingly at Cream, walking over with the remote and stroking her head gently. "Hey, maybe this will help, sweetie."

"Thank you, Penny!" Cream smiled through tears.

Penny pressed a button, but the TV didn't work.

"Hu. I guess that didn't work!" Tails gulped.

Cream began to cry. "Now we can't watch our program!" She sobbed. She ran over to Penny and hugged her tight, and Penny caressed her gently. Lately, Cream was like a little sister to the girl.

"Cream, sweetie, it's not the end of the world." Penny said, comforting the young girl best she could.

Sonic must've heard them crying, because he hopped in and stood next to her. "Penny, what's going on?" He asked, hands on his hips.

"Hey, Sonic." Penny smiled. "Cream and Cheese are upset because the TV's busted."

"That's what they're crying about?" Sonic looked up at Penny. He glanced over at Chris and grinned at the boy. "Hey, Chris!"

Sonic X: Penny's Tale: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now