Brother Dearest

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Ivy knew it would eventually happen. Shes on Derek's service and now am forced to spend time with him and Yang. Ivy finds them in the hall and is just in time to hear Derek boast, "You need a God. Neuro God right here."

"Godly? Your entire day consists of putting shunts in people," Christina deadpans.

Ivy snorts, "You know, I'm glad someone else is knocking you down a little."

He smiles sarcastically at her, "Today? Temporal Lobectomy."

They hear Webber presenting something, "-Hospitals across the country have reported substantial savings. And to make sure this was the right decision, I have enlisted one of our own to do a trial run for the last month. Dr. Sloan."

Ivy leans towards Derek, "How much do you want to bet he makes this more about himself than the actual computer?"

"Nothing, cause you will win," he whispers.

Mark leans against the board, "I know what you're all thinking. Its a machine. It doesn't know me. It doesn't know what I like. But after using this new system for the past month, I gotta say, people. I'm a convert. This computer, knows me better than I know me."

Derek moves forward throughout the presentation as she roll her eyes at the two of them.

"Chief, this thing has rearranged my schedule for the entire week. I mean haven't we had enough change here already?" Derek turns to us.

Chief ignores Derek, "Change is good, everyone. Embrace it."

As everyone disperses, Bailey and Ivy walk towards Derek, "You two need to stop bickering. Its unattractive."

"Yes and we all know how important it is for Derek to look good,' Ivy smirks at him.

He makes a face at her. "Haha,"

Cristina and Ivy head to the residents locker room, she goes to talk to Karev, while Ivy goes to Reed.

"Heard you were in the O.R. all night. Anything good?" She asks, sitting on the bench.

Reed stretches, "Hang Glider. Needed their intestines sewn back together."

"Awesome, guess what. I get the pleasure of working with brother dearest today, and I can't go complain to Jackson or Charles because they will try and make it seem like a good thing. So can you be moody and mocky with me?" Ivy pleads with her.

"Oh, fun. Whole day with the greatest Neuro surgeon in the U.S. Oh how lucky you are my dear friend," Reed mocks, making Ivy laugh.

She shakes her head, "Thank you, this is why you are my favorite friend."

Ivy sees Cristina leave and heads out after her.


Derek paged Ivy to the scan room. They were looking over an MRI scan when someone came in.

"Dr. Shepherd," naturally, both look up.

Derek obviously recognizes him, "Isaac, if you don't stop calling me Dr. Shepherd, especially now that two of us work here, I'm seriously going to have to cut you off."

Ivy waves in a friendly greeting, "Right. Forgot. Derek and Ivy, right?" She nods.


"I have your scans Derek," Isaac starts to open.

"I didn't order any scans," Derek denies.

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