I Saw

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I sit in between Reed and April as Hunt walks down the hall, back to Mark and Derek.

"Someone's getting fired," Reed says.

"Stop it," April and I say together.

Charlie complains, "She wasn't even my patient."

"What?" Yang asks.

Charles shakes his head, "Nothing."

"How long is this going to take?" Karev asks.

Jackson turns into jackass and says, "Why, you need to make a phone call?"

Him and Charles start to snicker but then Karev jumps him. April and Reed stand up and argue with Grey and Yang while Mark, Derek and Hunt try to separate Jackson and Karev. I stand between the four women and yell at them to sit down.

"Thats enough! I said enough! What happened here tonight, what happened to that patient was inexcusable. And we're going to be here till I find out who's responsible for it. So until then, you will sit down, you will shut up and you'll wait to be called. Hunt," Webber yells at us.

We all sit down as Hunt goes in to talk with Webber.

"Why weren't you arguing with us? Why weren't you on our side?" Reed asks me.

I look at her, "On your side? Are you kidding me? The only 'side' I'm on, is that of our patient who is dead because we couldn't do our jobs. So your right, I'm not on your side."

"You always were like a Mama Bear, huh Little Shep," Mark says to me.

I glare at him, "I just speak for those whos voices aren't heard. No matter what."

I see Derek wince out of the corner of my eye. I knew that was a little bit of a low shot, but he needed to be reminded.


I go in after Yang, "I got the victim son, Danny, chart."

April , Reed, and I go over to the Beckers, a woman and her young son.

"And you must be Danny," I get the little boy, spinning on a chair. Im Dr. Shepherd. Can you come this way with me? Thanks."

I lead him to the bed that is right next to his mom as she talks to us, "We were on our way to Vancouver to visit my husband. He's up there for work. And the rain wouldn't let up, so we thought, you know, hey why don't we just stop for the night?"

I put on my stethoscope to check out Danny, April says to Cathy, "Bet you wish you kept driving, huh? All right, can you lean forward and take a deep breath. I'm glad to made it out."

"Oh thank God we were on the first floor," she tells us.

Danny tells me, "I was scared. My mom getted burned." I smile sadly at him, trying to comfort him.

Cathy speaks up from behind me, "Mommy's all right, baby. You're safe. Everybody is all right, okay?"

"Everybody's safe now. Can you say 'ahh' for me?" I demonstrate for him. He does exactly as I ask as I check his throat and airways.

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