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Ivy is startled awake. She doesn't recognize what startles her awake, but she is. Suddenly, she hears a scream. She quickly shoots out of bed and runs to the door, opening it, she heard the scream coming from Jacksons room. Ivy sighs, before making her way to his door. She sees April pop her head out of her own door.

"I got it. Night," Ivy tells her, gesturing for her to go back to bed.

She walks into his room and notices the sheets and blankets are all over the place and Jackson is twitching. Ivy walks over to him and gently starts shaking him, "Hey. Jackson. Come on, Jackson. You're safe. Wake up. Jackson, wake up!"

"Ahh," Jackson startles awake, tears slowly running down his face.

"Hey, I got you. You were dreaming again," Ivy shushes him, bringing him to her and cuddling.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you, but, uh, I-" Jackson cuts himself off.

Ivy shakes her head, laying down and pulling him so he's half laying on her with his head to her chest, "Its okay. Shh, just go back to sleep. I'm not leaving."

Jackson lays down and gets comfortable. They sit in silence for a moment, "Can you just... talk? Your voice is just really soothing."

"What about?"


Ivy thinks for a minute, "I used to sing and dance. I would be a part of musicals in middle and high school. It was something that was just mine because none of my siblings ever thought about doing something like that. But Derek... Derek never missed a performance. He used to tell me, 'Ivy, your performance and talent should be seen by everyone. So me not seeing it would be a disservice. I'll always be there.' And you know what? He never broke that promise."

"What was your favorite role?" He asks, sleepily.

"Hmm, probably Alice in Alice in Wonderland. I loved that role for no particular reason, I just did. During one performance..."

And that is how they spent the night, Jackson sleeping on Ivy as she tells him stories of her childhood. She hoped to keep the nightmares away, and just her being there brought Jackson some piece of mind.


Ivy ties her sneakers as Webber addresses the residents, "I have great faith in you. I can because I chose you, I trained you. I've watched you work, I know what you can do. That's why today is different. The training wheels are coming off, people."

"Navy scrubs?" Meredith asks, barely holding back her excitement.

"Attending scrubs. You are attendings today. Run the cases, take point, but don't be a fool. If you get in over your head, cry uncle. Until then... congratulations. You've just been promoted," Webber tells them as navy scrubs are handed out.

Ivy looks at Jackson and April with the biggest smile ever. Jackson laughs as her and April squel in excitement.

Ivy quickly rushes to get changed, she can't wait to run a service. She's running Callies service today.


Ivy and April walk up, giggling, to the nurses desk and get handed their charts. Jackson and Alex walk up, Jackson showing off his attending scrubs as April and Ivy laugh at him. As Jackson, April and Alex shove each other, Ivy hears Callie ask, "Whos taking point on my cases?"

"I am Dr. Torres," Ivy says, walking towards her as her friends leave.

"Good, you ready?" Callie questions, giving her a bitch brow.

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