Chief Bailey

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"Jackson, we've been trying for 6 months. We didn't even have to try to get the twins. What if somethings wrong?" Ivy asks her husband as she stares at another negative pregnancy test.

"Ivy, these things can take time. Just because you got pregnant with the twins easily, doesn't mean that you'll always get pregnant easily," Jackson hugs her, kissing the top of her head, "Now, let's go. We've got to welcome Bailey as our new chief."

She nods, "Okay. But if I'm not pregnant after a year of trying, we're seeing a specialist."

He sighs, "Whatever you need. Come on," Jackson takes her hand and drags her to the conference room where the meeting is taking place.


Ivy stands with Callie, Maggie and Amelia as Callie tells them about her new woman, "I mean, I just- I just- I-I barely know this woman. We had like two dates last week. She asked to see me again tonight. Its crazy. I can't stop thinking about her. You know when you meet someone and you get that flutter that-that rush and it feels like you know them and they know you and you think to yourself, I could stare at this person's face forever? Do you know what I mean?"

"Well, I was best friends with my husband before we ever thought of being together..." Ivy says, giggling as Jackson winks at her.

"So, I looked it up, and Baileys the first," Arizona steps in.

"First what?"

She explains, "First female chief of surgery of this hospital. Before that, all men."

Jackson speaks, with his mouth full, "I say it's about time."

As Ivy gestures for him to not talk with food in his mouth, Amelia points out, "And all the department chiefs are women- neuro, cardio, trauma-"

"Trauma is co-chiefed. One man, one woman," Owen reminds them.

With Ivy and Jackson trying to expand their family as well as Ivy being a prominent board member, when Owen got back from his them serving, Ivy asked him to be her co-chief and he accepted.

"Ortho, fetal. Not to mention that the most important member of the board is a lady," Amelia ignores as Jackson tells him to let it go.

"Badass! Ladies. This place is run by ladies. Its...Ladyplace," Callie names.

"No. It is not Ladyplace. Ladyplace is what my grandma calls her vagina. To anyone who will listen, by the way-she is not shy. No, we can't call this place Ladyplace. I don't need to think of that sweet, sweet, raunchy, old lady's vag every time I walk through the doors," Maggie shakes her head as everyone laughs.

Alex adds, "Me neither, but I will now."

Webber calls out, "Shes coming, she's coming!"

Everyone gathers behind Webber as Meredith escorts Bailey in, "Well, I'm glad to see you're all here. Uh, but if you had read your e-mail, you would have known that one of the man things that I will be implementing as chief is no more weekly attendings meetings."

"Uh, well, actually, this is a st-" Webber starts.

"See, less talking about saving lives and more saving of the lives. Thank you," she says before leaving.

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