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Ivy and Jackson sit at the head table, foreheads press together as everyone eats around them, "We're married."

"Yeah, we are. You're Ivy Avery, and God does that sound good," Jackson whispers back, kissing her softly.

"Okay, attention, attention. My name is April Kepner and I am Ivys maid of honor and one of Jackson's best friends. They're are so many people here who I know would love to say a few words to the couple. So, instead of doing a whole bunch of speeches and spending a lot of time listening to everyone who loves Jackson and Ivy talk about how amazing they are, we asked a select bunch of people to record 30 seconds of a speech for the happy couple. In this presentation will also be some old videos and pictures showing their love story. So, please give it up for the friends and family of Jackson and Ivy Avery!"

She steps aside and gestures to the screen as Ivy lays her head against Jacksons chest.

Jackson and Ivy sit around the coffee table in the girls old apartment with Reed and April sitting on the couch behind Ivy and Charles recording.

"Give up, Avery. You can't beat me. I'm Ivy freakin Shepherd!" Ivy glares at Jackson over the game of scrabble set up.

"Ivy, I could never lose to you-" Jackson starts.

"What about rounds this morning, or yesterday or the day before or-" Reed starts listing.

Jackson interrupts her, "No one asked you, Adamson."

Reeds person smacks the back of his head, "Hey, focus on getting your ass kicked. It's so much more fun when you're paying attention."

He laughs, "You aren't going to win."

"I just did when you weren't paying attention. Hand over the cash," Ivy holds out her hand.

"What-what-how-I-I don't understand. How? I looked-I looked away for a minute," he stutters, looking between Ivy and the board.

"Like I said, I'm Ivy freakin Shepherd and I never lose," Ivy gets up and starts dancing, Reed joining her.


Pictures of the original Mercy West interns flash across the screen. Their first day as residents. The girls first day at the apartment. Jacksons birthday party their second year of residency. Jackson giving Ivy a piggy back ride around the park with Charles chasing after them, Reed on his back.


Now it's their third year of residency at Seattle Grace. It's the selfie that Ivy had on her chief resident desk of the five Mercy Westers. Then there's a video of them in the lounge.

"I can't believe you hide the fact that you're an Avery from us! That is messed up," Reed hits Jacksons shoulder, "And I can't believe you didn't try and operate on Harper Avery when you had the chance," she turns to Ivy.

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