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Ivy opens the front door to be met with April, "Hey. What are you doing here?"

April looks around, nervously, "I was wondering if we could talk?"

Opening the door further, Ivy let's her in, "Come on in. I only have a few minutes. The kids and I are meeting Meredith and her kids at the park. So, what's up?"

"Did I do the right thing? Taking on the role of interim chief of general? Cause I'm not feeling like I did? And everyone else is making me feel like crap for taking it," April paces.

"Honestly, if it were under different circumstances, I would be thrilled for you. Because you do deserve to be in a position as a department head. But getting it by basically betraying Webber and the rest of us? Not cool. Mer and I were suspended for fighting for the person and the program that made us the surgeons we are today. At the first chance of benefiting from it, you take one of our jobs. I'm not going to tell you to give it up, because I would rather it be you than anyone else. But don't get to happy with yourself, a friend had to lose for you to gain something."

"So, you agree?"

"If it were my job up for grabs, would you have taken it?" Shes met with silence, "That answers my question. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go check on my kids," Ivy ushers her out.

After seeing April out, Ivy heads to the twins room, "Are you two ready? Your sister is in her stroller waiting in you two."

Alexus sighs, "Should I wear my flippy flops or my running shoes?"

"First, it's flip flops. Second, we're going to the park. Where you'll be running around," Ivy kneels in front of her daughter, holding our her tennis shoes.

"Good point mommy," Alexus nods.

"Mommy, can you help me tie my shoes?" Christopher asks, holding his foot up with his shoe on.

"Can you try first, please? Remember, we've been practicing. Bunny ears, bunny eats, playing by a tree. Criss-crossed the tree, trying to catch me," Ivy starts the rhyme as Christopher starts tying.

He finishes the rhyme, "Bunny ears, bunny ears, jumped into the hole, popped out the other side beautiful and bold! I did it mommy!" Jumping up to hug her.

Ivy smiles, accepting the hug, "Yes you did! My big boy."

Alexus, not one to be outdone, shows Ivy her tied shoes, "Look mommy. I did it too!"

"Yes you did. Look at my babies, growing up so fast," Ivy pouts.

The twins hug her, "We're still little mommy. Let's go to the park! We want to show 'Rora the slide!"

"Okay, okay. Let's go," Ivy grabs Aurora and the stroller and leads the twins outside, "Remember, you have to hold onto the side of the stroller until mommy tells you to let go."

On the way to the park, the twins hold onto the stroller, listening to directions and explaing the sighs to Aurora.

"Thats a bird. They fly in the sky. We don't have wings so we can't fly, 'Rora," Christopher explains to his little sister.

"And they live in trees! I don't think that's very comf-comfortable. I asked daddy if they could come live with us, but he said birds need to be outside," Alexus shrugs.

They finally arrive at the park where Ivy spots Zola and Bailey running around with Meredith and Ellis sitting on the bench, "Allie, Chris. You two can go play with Zola and Bailey. Mommy will be by Aunt Mer."

Without saying a word, they run off, "Okay. Glad you're so worried of where I'll be," she makes her way over to Meredith, "Hey Mer. Hi little Ellis."

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