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Ivy sits next to Cristina on the curb as Jackson walks over to them, both his and Ivys suitcases in tow. Meredith starts the complaining, "That was hell. Actual physical hell."

"I think I went a tad overboard. A lot overboard," Cristina adds.

"They took something from me," Meredith continues.

Jackson leans his head on Ivys shoulder, "Yeah, that wasn't an exam. That was an interrogation."

Cristina is still in her head, "Like, way...way overboard."

"The mind games."

"Trick questions."

"It felt like Al Queda in there," Jackson finishes.

Meredith offers, "Next test is June."

Cristina looks at her, "June's not bad."

Meredith corrects her, "2013."


"Whats done is done. Let's just not even talk about it anymore. Though I am worried by the fact that Ivy hasn't said anything," Jackson says, looking at his girlfriend.

Meredith shakes Ivys shoulder, "Ivy, you good?"

"Yeah, I'm just trying to figure out a way to tell my five board certified doctor siblings that I failed my boards. So far, not good results," She says, rubbing her hands over her face.

"Anyone know how Alex did?" Meredith asks.

"Anyone know if Alex made it?" Ivy asks.

Cristina looks at her, "Made it?"

Meredith joins in, "What do you mean, made it?"

Ivy, Jackson and April share a look. He better have made it.

*Six Hours Earlier*

"Welcome to the American Medical Board of Surgery certifying examination. We'll give you four seperate scenarios in three 30 minute sessions, ten minute breaks in between. To pass the test, you must pass two of the three sessions. Now you can fail a session and still pass. But examiners are not permitted to indicate whether you passed or failed each session. You'll be rated on your ability to diagnose, manage treatment, handle the unexpected- basically, the strength of you constitution in crisis. And when we move on to the scenario, there's no doubling back, meaning, once a question is asked, you can't go back. Ready?" Her examiner asks.

Ivy nods, "Ready."

"A 65 year old woman is being seen by her primary care physician for a workup of osteoporosis when she is found to have elevated calcium. Her P.T.H. level was well above normal her doctor sends her to you," the examiner reads off, looking up to Ivy.

"Elevated calcium and P.T.H. would indicate primary hyperparthyroidism... next, I would resect it and explore the other glands," Ivy says.

Her examiner adds, "Agressive choice."

Ivy thinks, "I could also wait for the I.P.M. before taking further actions but being aggressive now can stop complications down the road if I wait to long."

"And you're good with that choice."

Ivy nods, "Yes."


Ivy walks back towards her room and sees Jackson and Catherine talking, "Just leave me alone. I'm in the middle of my freakin boards."

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