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*Derek's POV- one week after shooting*

"What do you mean you don't know if she'll ever wake up?! That's my sister!" I shout at her lousy excuse of a doctor.

I'm still, technically on bed rest, but I am Ivys emergency contact and caregiver right now. Shes been in a coma for a week and we still don't know if she will wake up.

"Dr. Shepherd, you know as well as I do, that her body went through something traumatic. It needs time to heal. We can't rush it, but the next 48 hours are critical," Dr. What's his face says.

I rub my hand over my face, trying to calm myself, "Yeah, I do know that. What I also know is that is my baby sister. She is strong. She is a fighter and she is going to make it. So do whatever the hell you can to wake her up!"

I storm into Ivys room and take a seat in my chair. My body is still healing and sore. I lean over so my head is resting against her bed.

"De-derek?" I hear.

Quickly popping my head up, I see Ivys eyes open, I page her doctor and smile at her, "Welcome back, we missed you."

*General POV- one month after shooting*

Ivy smoothes out her shirt. Double checking that everything is neat and in order. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. Everyone has already left the house, they have been back to work for a little bit now but it's Ivys first day back. She has a meeting with Dr. Perkins to try and get cleared. She misses the O.R. and can't wait to get back to treating patients.

"You got this. You got this," she mumbles to herself.

She picks up her purse and heads to her car.

*Jackson POV- one week after Ivy wakes up*

I can't believe that she's already coming home. Or well, going to Derek's house. He insisted that she stay with him while she recovers. That was a fight and a half between them to get her to agree.

I walk into her room, seeking her sitting up and already changed, "Didn't know you were this excited to go live with your brother."

She glares at me, "I would rather tear out my own eyeballs than live with Derek again. But... I can't go back to the apartment."

"I know what you mean. Its hard looking at Char-Charles and I's apartment. But you need to focus on healing," I admit to her.

"I'm fi-"

"I swear to God if you tell me you're fine, I might strangle you. You were shot twice. You were in a coma for a week because you wouldn't let me operate on you when I had the chance. Not to mention all the psych problems that are probably rattling around up there. So don't say you're fine," I snap at her.

She looks down, gulping, "I guess you're right. Don't get used to it. Thank you. For being there for me."

"Of course. I wouldn't be anywhere else."

*General POV- one month after shooting during Derek's speech*

Ivy steps into a conference room being used by Dr. Perkins to conduct these evaluations.

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