Wedding Bells

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Ivy sits next to April as Alex presents all the kids that he brought over from Africa, "This is Zola. Shes six months old, born with spina bifida..."

"Adorable African children, shameless ego stroking- looks like you got some competition, McBaby," Cristina nudges Ivy.

"Yeah, he's single-handedly stealing chief resident out from all of us, and we're helping him do it. I mean, we can't exactly refuse to treat little sick kids without making ourselves look bad," Jackson crosses his arms.

April sighs, "Oh, he is a genius. Or *speaks an African dialect* Thats what they say in Swahili."

Ivy ignores all of them and concentrates on Alex's presentation, knowing they will get called out on for talking.

Cristina crosses her arms, "Well, he only has a shot because I've been benched. Although, going against Ivy is pretty difficult."

"My Alzheimers trial kicks African-orphan ass. It kicks all of your asses," Meredith brags.

"Do you want to keep it down back there? I'm trying to listen to what appears to be the next chief resident talking," Webber turns to them.

Ivy rolls her eyes at the other residents behavior as Alex ends, "Before we go, I just want to say thank you to all of you for your participation. It, uh, truly means more than I could say."

The attendings and Ivy start giving him the slow clap, "Slow clap. They're giving him the slow clap. Come on. I'm not giving him the slow clap. Ridiculous. And I can't believe you are, Ivy."

"Its for the kids, Jackie," Ivy sighs.


Jackson, Ivy, and Webber gown up for Webbers diabeties research, "Okay, I want to personally check the incision sites, any weight fluctuations, the patients glucose levels. When was the last time you two clean these cages? A clean cage means a lower infection rate, which means F.D.A. approval, understood?"

They nod, "Cages, understood, sir."

Webber leaves as Ivy and Jackson share a look, "Well, this will be fun. At least if we fail our boards next year, we can fall back on animal caretaker."

"Get to work, Mr. Green Eyes" Ivy shoves him towards the cages.


"I mean, you'd think being on the chiefs research project would help in the race for chief resident. You might even think it's make me a contender. Only I'm not saving little kids or people with alzheimers. I'm cleaning up mouse poop," Jackson complains to Lexie and Ivy.

Ivy groans, "If you complain one more time about having to clean cages, I'll throw mouse poop at you."

"Can you hand me that basin?" Lexie asks, ignoring their bickering.

"Wanna hear my conversation with the chief every morning? 'Avery, how are the mice?' 'Oh, they're fine Chief. They're running, running their wheels. They're eating their cheese.' If I worked at a pet store, I'd be employee of the month by now. But I'm a surgeon, babysitting a bunch of mice. Hey, why don't you have these conversions with the chief?" Jackson asks Ivy.

Ivy continues cleaning cages as he leans over by Lexie, "Because we mostly talk about how Torres service was when she was out and then about my plans to become double board certified."

Jackson sits up straight, "So you get the talks about the future and I get the ones about the mice? That's fair."

Ivy rolls her eyes as Lexie reminds him, "Until you get F.D.A. approval, okay, which I'm sure you're gonna be working on humans any day now. Now, grab me another plum."

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