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"You're going to enjoy this party because you can drink, while I'll be the one who's suffering through this sober," Ivy sulks, checking her makeup.

"Nope, this is a work function. I will not be drinking," Jackson tells her, kissing her cheek.

As he leaves the bathroom, Ivys eyes are drawn to he engagement ring. Jackson ended up giving it to her after they got home from the storm. It's a beautiful 18K diamond ring. When he showed it to her, she told him she didn't need a huge diamond like this. She wasn't going to be able to wear all the time anyways but Jackson wanted her to have a gorgeous ring.

"Hey, we should head out soon. You ready?" Speak of the devil, he comes back into the bathroom and stands behind her, "Well, look at you. You're beautiful future Mrs. Avery."

Ivy giggles, "Thank you, Mr. Avery. But you're right. We should get going."


Jackson and Ivy link arms as they meet Owen in front of the entrance for pictures. They stand with Ivy in the middle, smiling for pictures as they have a conversation.

"Hey. Hey. I, uh... really hope this red carpet is something you two had laying around the house. We're trying to raise money tonight, not waste it," Owen tells them.

"Yeah, I enjoy strutting on it on my way to bed," Ivy sasses.

Jackson smiles at his fiance as they head into the event, "I grew up in this world. I know how it works.  We're attracting serious people with serious money and tailoring an event to them. Tonight is gonna be tasteful, sophisticated, conservative."

They walk into the venue to see circus performers and fire. They look around, mouths agape, "You and I have very different definitions of the word conservative."

Owen walks away as Ivy starts to giggle. Jackson spots the party planner and escorts Ivy to her, "Ari... what did you spend my money on?"

"This is what you want. You want spectacle- pizzazz," Ari gestures.

"Do I look like someone who wants pizzazz?" Jackson asks.

"No but your fiance does," she gestures to Ivy who is looking around like a kid in a candy store. This softens Jackson up a little as a smile graces his features, "Besides, when people think of hospitals, they think of death, disese... old people. Not sexy. We are giving them Las Vegas. We are giving them a show. People are more inclined to open their wallets if they're having fun."

A man blows on his torch right in front of Ivy and she giggles, causing Jackson to bring her closer to his body, "Come on, let's make the rounds."


"I'm going home," the couple hears Callie say.

They make their way over, "Wait, nobody's going home. I'm giving 10% of tonight's take to the department that raises the most money. Spread the...word."

Jackson kisses Ivys check before leaving her with the girls, "Heads up, Derek is really good at this kind of thing. So am I. It's kind of genetic."

"I should get started before he does," Meredith nods.

"Oh, I think he already has," Callie points to a juggling Derek.

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