Bare Minimum

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"Swag bags for the Syrians. Some, um, sweatshirts and baseball caps, post-its. Ooh, really cool pen lights," April lists as she goes through a bag.

Ivy nods, "Those are nice."

Webber asks, "You're sending post-its to Syria?"

"You're really going to question the meaning of post-its at this hospital?" Ivy asks.

"Yeah, I'm working with doctors aid international. We've flown in two Syrian doctors. They're general practitioners, but now with the war, they've been recruited to staff the field hospitals. They're getting advanced trauma training with Seattle Pres, and they're here for a crash course in basic surgical skills," Owen ignores Ivys comment.

"They need to learn what they can do quick and dirty," Ivy says.

"They rope you in? Which must mean that..." Webber trails off as he asks Robbins.

She nods, "Yeah. Yeah, they're losing a lot of kids."

Webber tips his mug, "Godspeed."

"All right, let's get this stuff with the boxes of supplies we're sending back with them," Owen tells Ivy.

"Ah, so Bailey got her genome thing funded. You got this thing funded. I need to get my cartilage project bankrolled while we still got bank," Callie tells them.

Ivy nods, "Write a proposal. Don't start bugging board members. Especially Jackson and I."

Callie laughs as she leaves at the same time as Edwards enters, "Dr. Hunt? Dr. Averys recombination on your burn patient."

Arizona whispers to Ivy, "How are you handling all the burn patients? Cause I know I have a tough time with those who struggle to walk. I can't imagine how you are with-"

"Um, I'm fine. Totally and completely fine. Ready?" Ivy changes the subject.

They pack the stuff up and leave April to talk with Edwards.


Owen talks to the two doctors, "Okay, we're gonna try as closely as we can to replicate your circumstances in the field hospital. The most important skills you need in a wartime situation is controlling bleeding. Normally we'd use lasers and argon beam coagulators, but as you can see, for now, we're only using the contents of this tray."

One speaks in a language Ivy doesn't understand to the other, she looks between them, "Is something wrong?"

"Uh, we, um, before had all of these things, but recently the supply trucks cannot reach us, and the electricity is unreliable, so many of our instruments, we-we cannot use so if you want to, um, replicate our circumstances, we may need to adjust this slightly," they tell them.

"Please, we're here to make this work for you," Ivy nods.

"Thank you. Um..." They start getting rid of some of the supplies, "This is more right."

The other one says, "Also.." and turns off all the lights until they are standing in pitch, black, darkness. Until he turns on a pen light and holds it over the patient, "Now we go."

Ivy looks around, this is going to be harder than they thought. Those conditions are worse than they ever could have imagined.


She leads the group to a supply closet, "We're gonna send you back with a bunch of equipment, but if supplies aren't reaching you and there's no electricity... we're gonna have to find another way."

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