Don't Pull that Crap

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"What do you mean you think?" Arizona asks Ivy.

Ivy grimances in pain, "Well, my stomach hurts and I'm close to my due date, what else could it be? Ow!"

Through her pain, she can see Matthew run out of the barn with the woman who stood up. Everyone starts murmuring as Arizona hands Ivy off to Meredith and Cristina as she escorts April back to the dressing room.

As Ivy sits down, she looks to Arizona, "Can you get Jackson? I'm in a lot of pain. I don't think this is normal."

"Yeah, I'll go get him," she rushes out as Ivy turns to April.

"Apes, you okay?"

"No, how could he do that to me? Do you know who that was? It was his ex girlfriend, Karin, who I didn't want to invite in the first place," April tells them. (AN: pretend that Karin and Matthew were together before him and April)

Ivy grips April's hand, "Hey, it's-ow-its okay. I can have-ah-Jackson-ah- kick his ass later."

April laughs through her tears, "You promise? Let's not focus on that right now. You are about to have some babies!"

She smiles, "Yeah-" before she could say anything else, Jackson bursts into the room.

He rushes over to his fiance, "Arizona said you think you're giving birth?"

"I have some bad pain. I-I-I think we need to go to the hospital," Ivy feels tears welling up in her eyes.

"Okay, let's go. Come on, can you walk?" Jackson helps her up.

"Yeah, I think so," they make their way to the car.

Once they arrive at the hospital, one of the girls must have called to warn they were coming, cause there was a stretcher waiting for them. Ivy is quickly put onto the stretcher and wheeled into an OBs room.

Dr. Simpson walks into the room, "Well, I hear that some twins would like to join us?"

"That or my uterus is ripping itself away from my abdominal walls," Ivy groans.

"Huh, well, let me take a look and I can hopefully tell you what's going on," Dr. Simpson puts on some gloves.

He looks over the ultrasound and frowns, "Okay, um, can you describe the pain for me?"

Ivy grips Jacksons hand, "Yeah, uh, it's like a burning pain that starts in my back and then moves across my abdomen. It makes it a little hard to breath at some points."

Simpson nods, "Okay. I'm going to get Dr. Ryan so she can look over these scans and hopefully tell you more."

As he leaves, Ivy turns to Jackson, "I keep forgetting he's only a fellow. God, this hurts, Jackson. A lot."

"I know. I would take the pain if I could," he kisses her forehead.

Dr. Ryan comes in and looks over the scans, "So, we're going to get you prepped and up to surgery because it looks like your placenta is tearing. I will be performing the surgery-"

Ivy shakes her head, interrupting her, "No offense, I know you're good, but I would like to request someone I trust and know very well."

She nods, "Of course. Whatever makes you comfortable."

Jackson looks at Ivy, "I'll go call Addison."

He gets up to make the call as Ivy throws her head back in pain. Of course she makes a joke of part of her body tearing and it actually comes true.

"I'm never having another kid after this."

*Derek's POV*

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