Last Trauma

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Ivy walks into an empty patient room with Meredith and Cristina. They stare at a camera, "They've installed cameras."

"They're all over the C.C.U. Next they'll be in the O.R.s, the hallways, the on-call rooms," Cristina lists.

"Not in the E.R. because apparently the way I run it is sucking resources," Ivy says, bitterly.

Cristina whispers, "We're being spied on. Who knows what evil lurks behind that electric eye?"

A man's voice pops up, startling the trio, "Morning, Dr. Yang."

Cristina whispers to the sister in laws, "Big Brother knows my name."

"Big Brother can see your name tag," Ivy tells her, walking out of the room.

Crsitna covers it and walks out behind her.


The attendings stand in an O.R. as Cahill explains, "The cameras aren't here to spy on you. They are here to supplement you. On the other side of the camera is a remote physician, an extra set of eyes to help reduce mistakes, improve patient care, and maximize physician hours. Now the initial program... so does that answer your questions?"

Ivy raises her hand, "How do we have the money to pay for these cameras and the remote physician but not enough to keep the E.R. open by exploring other possible money saving ways?"

"All right. Let's move on then," Ivy nods her head, having expected to be ignored, "As you can see, this O.R. has been arranged with maximum efficiency, specifically for O.R. turnover. Now what are the main causes for bottleneck? The layout of O.R. supplies, equipment, and instruments. So what we have done... because every second counts, you need the most efficient approach," Cahill continues.

Ivy sighs, rolling her neck back and forth, trying to relieve the stress.

Cahill then drops, "Your average time between surgeries is 37 minutes. With these new O.R. procedures, I'd like to see that cut in half. Thank you, everyone."

Everyone grumbles at the dismissal. Ivy follows Cristina and Meredith out as Jackson holds the door for them, "Closing the E.R. should cut down on time. We won't have any patients."

"Hows Hunt feel about that?" Jackson asks Cristina, knowing that Ivy is absolutely livid.

"Oh, he says he's not gonna do anything about it until it actually happens," Crisitna tells them, Ivy nods as she's had that same conversation with him almost daily since they found out.

"Oh, it's happening. And he can't be a trauma surgeon without an E.R. Is he gonna leave town? Cause if you go with him, I'm screwed. I'm kind of depending on your rent check," Alex questions, earning a slap on the back of the head from Ivy.

"Way to make this all about you. And what about McBaby? She's a trauma surgeon."

Ivy crosses her arms, "McBaby is holding back her thoughts at work because if she says what she wants, she will be fired."

Meredith argues, "The E.R. is not going to close. Derek has a plan."

"Where is Derek?"

"He spent the night with Kepner and Ivy," Meredith tells her.

"Where are they now? And why aren't you with them?" Cristina turns to Ivy.

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