Tell Me You Didn't

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Ivy yawns as she exits the elevator, "Whoa, you look like a hot mess," Amelia comments.

"Shut up. The twins decided to wake up at 5:30 this morning. Of course, Jackson was already here so I got to deal with their obnoxious amounts of energy," Ivy explains to her sister.

"Ah. So...what can you tell me about...Owen?"

Stopping, Ivy turns to her sister, "Owen? As in Owen Hunt, my mentor? Our chief of surgery? That Owen?"

She nods, "Yes."

Ivy smirks, "He's a pretty great guy. I wouldn't have studied under him if I thought he would be a bad guy. Although, I'm guessing you want to have a different type of under him than me."

Amelia rolls her eyes, "You know what, I have a consult in the pit. I don't have time for your immaturity."

She shouts after her, "I have children. I'm married. I'm more mature than you."


Ivy leans against the door as she listens to Ben explain Jacksons latest surgery, "So, Dr. Avery attached the transplanted tissue to the arm. And, as described in this mornings presentation..."

He reveals the ear growing on the patients arm as Jackson picks up, "The fresh blood supply has allowed the skin to regrow without the need for further grafts. Dr. Warren?"

Edwards runs in as Ben continues, "Dr. Avery will perform a primary microvascular arterial repair first and then follow with a venous anastomosis."

"All right, Matt. This all looks very good. We're gonna see you in the O.R.," Jackson tells him.

Matt lifts up his arm with his ear on it and says, "What?" Everyone laughs, "I swear that never gets old."

"Ah, if only that were true. Okay guys," Jackson dismisses before seeing Ivy, "Hey, what are you doing here?"

"You've talked about this case so much that I became invested. I wanted to see how the surgery goes. Plus, I knew that I would get a chance to do this," she punches his arm.

He grabs onto the spot she just punched, "Ow! What was that for?"

Ivy smiles, "Your kids decided to wake up at 5:30 this morning. And of course, you were already here so I had to deal with them."

Jackson winces, "They've been really energetic when they wake up lately."

She nods, "Yeah. Now-" She gets a text from Alex, "Derek's back?"

"Isn't that a good thing? Why do you look worried?" Jackson asks.

"A few nights ago, Meredith called him and a woman picked up his phone. Mer then tried to call him multiple times and he didn't pick up. Now he's home," Ivy explains.

"That's not good," he shakes his head.

"Nope. I'm gonna go find Meredith. I'll see you after your surgery?" She starts to walk away.

Jackson nods, "Yeah. And I'll watch the twins tonight if your gonna go to your brother's house and kick his ass."

Ivy laughs, "I might take you up on that."


Alex finds Ivy and Maggie watching Meredith, "What do we know?"

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