The Gift

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Ivy rushes out with Jackson to the ambulance bay where Webber is. Jackson turns to him, "Dr. Webber. Don't you have a gallbladder scheduled for this morning?"

"Hendricks is doing it," Webber says.

"You heard about the lion mauling. Came down here to claim it before anyone else could get there hands on it," Jackson accuses.

Webber tries arguing, "I am down here for those in need, Avery. I am here to be of service to human kind."

Ivy laughs, "Good, cause I'm running point on trauma cases today and this is a trauma if I've ever heard it."

The first ambulance pulls up and while the boys fight each other, Ivy has no problem making it to the front, "35 year old male, body covered in claw marks and an arm that looks like a chew toy."

"Oh, my God. Oh, my God. My arm. I can't feel my arm," The patient cries.

"Don't worry. I'm gonna take care of you," Webber says.

Before Jackson could say anything, Ivy does, "You both are."

"Naomi. What happened to Naomi? Did the lions eat my girlfriend?" Ivy hears as they roll him into the E.R.

Ivy gets Naomi into a trauma room, "32 year old female, nasty bites to the neck, and her abdomen been eviscerated."

She asks, "Kirby, where's Kirby?"

Bailey tries to calm her down,"Ma'am, my name is Dr. Bailey. You are at the hospital."

"Transferring on one, two, three."

"Okay, I need to look at this neck," Bailey says.

Ivy looks over everything and calls out, "Lets call for an O.R. and page Hunt. Bailey, I'll be in the other trauma room."

She leaves as quickly as she can, wanting to go check on Webber and Jackson.


Ivy enters the trauma room at the same time as Mark and Callie, "What do we got?"

"Deep animal claw laceration extending down the left side of the body," Webber tells them.

"And there's your arm," Jackson shows them.

Callie nods, "Yeah, that's what you expect when you hear lion."

She moves next to Ivy and Jackson as the patient says, "I bet it's nice to know what to expect instead of showing up at your girlfriends house for the first time and being greeted at the door by the freakin king of the jungle."

"She never mentioned she had a pet lion? Because if I had a pet lion, I would mention that on the first date, Ivy asks him.

"Right? She told me she had a cat- a big cat-and I'm allergic, so I took an antihistamine before I left the house," he tells them.

Mark lefts up some of the bandages as everyone winces, Ivy adds, "Yeah, probably should have brought a bull whip or a gun."


Ivy joins Alex and Jackson for lunch in a lab room, "We came to see the hearts."

"Oh, this blows. Yangs growing organs, and I'm stuck patching up grandpa," Alex whines.

His phone rings as Ivy sits on the table next to Jackson, "Is that Morgan again? Why don't you respond? Some of us girls get hurt by the no response."

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