No Emotion

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Ivy giggles as she operates with Bailey and Amelia, "You're never gonna make your flight."

"I'll make it."

Bailey sasses, "No, you won't. You're gonna miss your flight."

Derek says over the phone, "Whos that? Bailey? I'm not gonna miss my flight."

Ivy jumps in, "There was a huge accident on the 5. All the lanes are closed. The traffic is insane. We're here looking at a guy from the accident and Bailey and I are sewing up holes in his gut."

"You know, I remember when dolls used to get you this excited. Now it's holes in people's guts and broken bones."

They laugh as Amelia shakes her head, "The point is you might as well turn around now cause you'll miss your flight."

"I'm not gonna miss my flight. I have a secret shortcut."

"There are no shortcuts to the airport," they all say.

"That you know about."

Amelia tries bribery, "Come on. I'm doing a spondylithesis today. I'm saying if you head back now, I might let you-"

They just hear static, so Ivy asks, "Derek, are you still there? We can't hear you. Derek? Derek?"

The phone goes out.

Little did she know, that was the last time she would ever hear her brothers voice.

And she didn't even get to tell him goodbye or that she loved him.


Ivy feels herself being pulled into a conference room. She looks up and sees Jackson, "Oh, hey. Whats up?"

Jackson steals himself. He's about to tell the love of his life that her brother, her dad, is dead.

"Jackson. What's going on? Why do you have that look on your face?

"Ivy...sit down. Please," she sits in a chair and folds her hands on the table as he sits next to her, "Meredith just informed us that...Derek died."

Ivy chuckles, "Jackson, that's not a funny joke," she watches as his face stays sad, "What? No! That's not possible! I just talked to him. He was on his way to the airport!"

She stands up, shaking her head as Jackson stands with her, "I'm sorry."

"No, no, no. Does Amy know?" Ivy asks, clinging to Jackson.

"Hunts telling her right now."

Ivy makes her way to the door, "I've got to go-to go talk to Amy. Decide who tells mom."

She quickly exits the room, wiping the stray tears as everyone's eyes go to her. Searching her pockets, she curses as she realizes her phone is in the E.R. Making her way downstairs, she keeps her head down as she grabs her phone.

While she does this, she doesn't realize that every attending and resident besides Amelia was down there. They watch as Ivy ignores all of them, before following her to the attendings lounge. They watch her set her phone on the table before sitting on a chair and staring at it.

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