New Board

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Ivy sits in a board room, reading over the protocals the foundation sent her and Jackson as the rest of the room complains, "Jackson Avery really has a bigger say than most of us in running this hospital?"

"That can't be true. Can it, Ivy?" Cristina asks her.

Derek answers before she can, "Well, he's a voting member of the management team and he also partly represents the Harper Avery Foundation with my little sister."

Callie nods, "And their 175 million bucks."

"As opposed to our $15 million apiece. Well, technically, doesn't Ivy have more of a say than any of us?" Arizona asks.

"You guys, Jackson has been in board meetings since he was 15 and I have experience helping run this hospital. Just relax," Ivy tells the group.

Derek looks at his sister, "According to Stan, not only do you two have the deciding vote, you can veto ours."

Cristina sits down, "This is ridiculous. You two are fellows."

"So are you."

"Yes, but he's a plastics fellow and you're-" she starts.

Ivy shakes her head, "No. Don't insult his specialty just cause you couldn't do it. And don't turn on me! I didn't ask for this, he didn't ask for this."

Meredith tries to mediate, "Well, let's not overreact. I mean, it is Jackson and Ivy. They aren't some corporate strangers. They are one of us."

Derek nods, "No, you're right. They are smart kids. They will follow our lead."

"Um, we have to follow some things from the foundation. I mean, Jackson and I were up all night the past-"

"No, no. We made this plan. We pulled it together. Look, I'm grateful to Harper Avery for an infusion of cash, but I'm-I'm not gonna let some-some..." Callie starts.

Cristina fills in the blank, "Plastics fellow?"

"Plastics fellow tell me-"

Ivy interrupts her, "No. I'm gonna stop you. In case you forgot, your daughters father was a Plastics surgeon. Don't you dare talk down to Jackson because of your belief that you're better than him. Cause I hate to break it to you, but you belong in this group just about as much as Jackson does. So shut it and let's wait for him to get here."

Everybody goes silent and waits for Jackson. Ivy has to go back to reading over the materials that Catherine sent her and Jackson.

"I'm sorry, guys. I was running on time, and then my last rounds patient turned into a crier. Pow," Jackson says as he opens the box of donuts.

Ivy quickly takes one, "Its okay, we were waiting to start discussing the E.R.s."

They share a look, knowing that what the foundation told them isn't going to go over well, "Oh, yes. Um, we're not ready for that just yet."

"If you two need more time with the material, we can go ahead-" Derek tells the couple.

"No, no, we've-we've read it. Uh, it's just that the Foundation feels like the E.R. is not a forgone conclusion. They need a site visit, a chance to look over the numbers. It could be a month before a decision," Jackson tells them.

Arizona chuckles, "Okay. The foundation knows we plan on getting our level one trauma designation back, right?"

Ivy nods, "Yes. I have had a couple discussions with them concerning it."

"I think we should table this until we can bring in Owen," Cristina says.

Ivy and Jackson share a look before Ivy speaks, "Two things. One, do you not trust me to get my own E.R. back?"

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