So Blessed

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Ivy sips her coffee as Meredith fills her and Maggie in, "So he's just back? For good?"

Meredith nods, "Yeah."

"Okay, that face that you're making- I don't know you well enough to know what that means," Maggie comments.

"Shes happy," Ivy shrugs.

"You know those very happy, cheerful people who have everything and when the fact that they have everything comes up, they act very humble and they say, I'm just so blessed. Those people- you want to punch those people in the face," Meredith lists.

Maggie moves so she's staring straight at Ivy, "Yes. I do know those people."

Ivy chuckles, "Hey, I've been through hell and back to get that happiness."

"Yeah, I'm one of those people now."

"Okay," Maggie and Ivy draw out.

"This morning, I was standing on my porch of my perfect house looking in the window at my amazing, perfect children and my amazing, gorgeous husband, on the way to my amazing job. And I thought to myself, I have everything I've ever wanted. I am just so blessed," Meredith shares.

Ivy smiles, "Yeah. This morning, Jackson woke me up with breakfast in bed. He then brought the twins in who kissed my cheek and then snuggled with me as my amazing husband and I ate breakfast. I am blessed."

Maggie looks between the two, "I really want to pummel both your faces in right now."

"Right, I would beat myself up. Except I'm too tired from-"

"And I'm out. Because I know what you're about to say and I don't want to hear that about my brother. Hope both have a good day, I'm gonna go find my husband," Ivy waves at them.


Scrolling through her tablet, Ivy hears Webber say, "-And he's a member of our board, and, um..."

Derek finishes, "I'm her brother. I'm also a neurosurgeon. I work for her."

A kid asks, "Your sisters your boss?"

"My sisters my boss," Derek nods.

"Actually, two of his sisters are his boss," Ivy jumps in.

"This is Dr. Ivy Shepherd-Avery. Board member, part owner, and trauma and ortho surgeon," Webber introduces.

"Yes, and I will see you kiddos later in trauma," she waves at them before heading downstairs.


Its finally Ivys time to show the kids around, so she heads up to find Jackson and Ben in front of them as Webber says, "Alright kids, let's go check out the E.R."

Ivy smiles, clapping her hands, "Looks like I'm right on time. Oh, I see that you've all met the Plastics Posse."

One of the kids ask her, "They're actually called that?"

"I call them that. My other brother, Dr. Mark Sloan, was the one who came up with the name. It grows on you after a while. Now, let's head down to the E.R.," She starts leading them away as Jackson holds out his hand for some high fives.

They get down to the E.R. and stand around an empty bed, "Now, a trauma is any kind of injury. So, if you cut yourself or you break your leg skateboarding or wreck your bike, all of those injuries are called traumas, and that's what we treat here. A lot of people think of the emergency room as a kind of scary place, but its actually-"

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