Ballet in the O.R.

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Ivy sighs as she leans against her locker as Jackson changes, "I'm so glad that I don't have to do mandated therapy."

Jackson kisses her before turning back to his locker, "Yeah, why don't you have to do it?"

"Because I already go to therapy to make sure I stay out of psych. Also to deal with the dead brothers thing, the mom hating me thing, the seeing the best friend killed thing, the-"

"You have to many things. No more. We are gonna be surgeons with great lives and no more terrible things, okay?" Jackson cuts her off.

"Fine," her pager beeps, "I have an incoming and I get to work with- Hunt and Riggs. Great," Ivy sighs.

He nods, "Okay, some tips. Don't get punched by Hunt and don't get hit on by Riggs. Be safe, love you," Jackson gives her one last kiss before leaving.

Ivy shouts after him, "Thanks for the unhelpful advice! You're on bath duty tonight!"


Quickly making her way to the ambulance bay, Ivy meets Hunt and Riggs out there as Riggs asks, "Chest pains, huh?"

She nods, "Yup."

Riggs looks at Hunt, "So, what's he doing here?"

"I told Kepner-"

"Nope, I have one rule for you two. Don't piss me off. I am three months pregnant and I have a mildly risky pregnancy right now because of the attack," she looks at Riggs, "Be warned, I punch harder than Hunt," she looks to Owen, "And I aim much lower. Am I understood?" She questions.

"Completely," they say.

Riggs doesn't let go, "You've turned everyone here against me. The least you can do is let me frigging work."

Hunt argues, "You have no business being here at all."

Ivy shouts, "Hey! What did I just say? If you two can't work together than that's your own damn problem but it better not effect any patients. Speaking of which," she moves towards the ambulance.

"Male, 55, complaining of tightness in the chest," the paramedic tells them.

"Sir, do you have any pain in your left arm?" Ivy asks.

"No, not really. My chest hurts like hell, though," the patient tells her.

Owen dismisses, "Riggs, you can go. I got this."

Ivy rolls her eyes as Riggs argues, "Chest pains. I'll take it."

She smiles, "Sir, what did you eat this morning?"

"A burrito-two burritos."

Hunt looks at Riggs, ignoring the patient and pissing Ivy off, "Its probably not surgical. I'll page someone if it is. Let's go."

Riggs follows as they start to move, "How about you let me do my job?"

"How about you get the hell away-"

"Both of you shut the hell up now. If you don't-" She doesn't get to finish her sentence as the rig behinds them blows up.


Ivy pushes in a gurney as Amelia comes running up, "Amelia, with me-trauma 2."

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